Wednesday, December 2, 2015

November 30, 2015

The End of November -
Where Did it Go?
November 30, 2015

My turkey pot pie
Sometimes I feel like a broken record that skips and plays the same line over and over.  The current oft repeated line is basically any of a number of versions of "Time sure is flying."  Or in this case, "How can November already be gone?"   From our trip to Albuquerque the end of September through the end of November, Ron and I have been on the go a lot. 

My day at the office was spent helping customers, working on paying some bills, and doing an assortment of jobs to restock some merchandise.  Recently I have been repeating almost everything I say to my husband.  He doesn't hear me.  I feel as though I am yelling when I get to a volume where he can hear me.  When we went to Houston a couple of weeks ago, the audiologist increased the volume that I hear from my sound processor, so I thought maybe that was making me speak more softly and that was the reason he could not hear me.  He finally said no, his hearing has decreased.  That is a shame.  I hope he won't wait long to get it checked.  At this point, I often think I hear better then he does.

Another adjustment made on the trip to Houston has to do with the pitch.  I think the lower tones must have been increased in the adjustment because I am picking up a lot of machine noises, such as the air-conditioner, etc.  I continue adjusting to the changes.  In general they are good, because I hear more, but the machine noises are annoying.

I left the office a little early and came home to fix supper.  I do not experiment in cooking.  I stick to a recipe most of the time with only minor changes in seasonings or amounts of one or more ingredients.  I had heard someone mention making turkey pot pie with the leftovers from their turkey and decided that sounded like a good idea.  At home I checked my cookbooks, but none of the recipes I found were appealing to me and many called for things I did not have on hand. 

The only solution to the supper turkey pot pie was to make up my own recipe.  I kept in mind some things I had read in the cookbooks and just started cooking.  The pot pie turned out to be GREAT!  It was a hit with both of us.  I must get it written down before I forget what I did.

Sunday night I had talked to Ron about things I needed to get done and the limited time I have to do them.  I told him I wished the grandchildren were in town so that they could decorate our large Christmas tree.  That evening I prayed that God would show me how to get the job done and if there was anyway possible, that I could arrange for Jeff's children to come help.

Monday around noon, I had a text from our daughter-in-law asking if I could keep the five youngest of the children at our house Wednesday while she went somewhere with her mom.  An answered prayer and a fun day in store.

During the evening I spent some time cleaning house and trying to bring some order to my sewing room after the weekend with the girls making Christmas ornaments.  Ron brought the Christmas tree platform and the tree home from the storage at the office so that we would be ready for our work crew.  I needed to recover the base platform for the tree and Ron helped me do that - I was very pleased with the results.  I put away the boxes from the ornaments for the sewing room tree.

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