Saturday, December 19, 2015

December 18, 2015

December 18, 2015

Our newest Christmas ornament -
 from our trip to the Balloon Festival this past fall

It is always great to see Friday come around, but I was ready for this past week to go away.  Ron and I had plans for a nice day Friday and plans to join friends in the evening to celebrate a birthday.  Somewhere the plans got side tracked.

I spent much of the day on paperwork.  The top of my to do list was finish addressing Christmas cards.  It didn't happen.  I got one mailed.  I paid bills and took care of paying the state sales tax on line.  I had almost overlooked it and the fine is ridiculously high for being one day late. 
 An old favorite ornament 
Ron had emergency job pop up.  He had hoped to leave early on jobs and it was mid-afternoon before he got out the door.  There went the plans for the party we were going to attend.  Since he was not going, I decided to get the shopping started that had been put off too long.  I started with errands.  One was to pay a bill at a bank and it is no longer at that location.  Don't know if there is a local branch any more.  Then I went to the drug store to drop off some prescriptions.

The shopping started after the errands and although it took me a long time to make decisions,  I got a lot done at each store where I stopped.  First stop was Tuesday Morning before going to Michael's and then Kohls, and a couple more stops after those.  I marked four people off the list as completed.  Not too bad for the rate I have been going this year.
 I scatter red bows around the tree.
As I got to the first store, my cell phone rang.  It was our youngest son.  I was in a noisy parking lot and could not hear.  I got in the car, and he tried again, but it was still too noisy for me to hear him.  Hopefully we can catch up soon, but it may be when he and his wife come for Christmas.

When I got home I was there about an hour before Ron arrived and he said he would have to go back Saturday to finish.  A set of keys had been taken from this place and so it was necessary for them to get the job done soon.
For 5 years now, our church choir has passed out Christmas 
ornaments at the Christmas musical.  This is one of them.

I went to sleep soon after Ron got home - in my recliner as usual. 

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