Saturday, December 12, 2015

December 12, 2015

A Stay-at-Home Saturday
December 12, 2015

The nativity scene in the sewing room
I asked Ron to not wake me when he left this morning and wouldn't you know it, I woke up at 7:00.  I got up and spent most of the day working on the house and on Christmas decorations.  I just had a lot of finishing touches to do on the decorations.  Since I no longer have a housekeeper, I cleaned house some.  I did a lot of dusting and picking up clutter.  There is still too much to do, but I made progress. 

During the morning I finished decorating a small artificial tree for the dining table.  It has miniature ornaments on it that I have been collecting for over 25 years.  That took lots longer than it should have.  Then I did the last of the 7 "birdcage" decorations.  I strung tiny lights on a wreath and around the front door.
My miniature Christmas tree
Late in the morning I went out in the yard to take care of ponds, birdbaths, and bird feeders.  It was a very windy day and I did not stay out there very long.  I watered the hanging plants and my rose bushes.  They are doing fairly well.

I had frozen a couple of baking dishes of dressing at Thanksgiving and baked one of them today to go with some leftover smoked turkey Mom gave us after supper last night.  It was a very good lunch.
The string of lights on the wreath
Most of the afternoon and evening I spent in the sewing room, but unless you had seen it before my work, you might not believe I had spent hours in there.  I added a few decorative items to my shelves and again did dusting and sorting.  Slow progress on most of the jobs.

During the evening I talked to our son in Albuquerque and it was snowing at their house.  Meanwhile it was a warm windy day here.  He and I discussed my blog some.  I told him that many days, in my blog I do not focus on the Cochlear Implant and that is because many days, it is not a noticeable factor in my days.  It is a very important factor, for without it, I would be deaf.  But more and more days, I don't think about it much.  It is becoming natural and normal for me.  That is something to write home about (as they say).  It is something very good. 
A new addition to the decor, a little 
gingerbread girl that is gingerbread scented
Yesterday, one of my doctors asked if I was glad I had gotten the Cochlear Implant.  I told her the usual about it working well in one on one conversations, but less well in noisy situations.  But, I told her of course I was glad I had gotten it, for without it, the alternative is deafness. 

If you are new to this blog, I would suggest that you start at the beginning which is about March of 2013 or about the time of my implant surgery which was about June 10, 2013.  That section tells the most about the deafness and the changes brought on by the implant.  Current entries are more about a life being lived fairly normally.  The main difference is that when I take off my sound processor, I am almost totally deaf.  I can't hear a door open, my husband call me, the TV on full volume, etc. 
The little snowman from the movie Frozen
So there is no doubt about it, I am glad I got my Cochlear Implant. 

1 comment:

  1. I am glad, too, that you got it! It is a blessing to all of us.
