Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31, 2015

Rainy Monday
August 31, 2015

Out the front door of our building at work. 
 Ron has had a lot of practice over the years putting
 out sandbags and now has a good system.

Throughout this blog are photos from the flood today taken by my husband at our office.  I had left my camera there and did not go back to the office, so I told him to get some shots.  Thanks, Ron.
The title for this blog was almost Muddy Monday.  If I were walking outside, I could call it that, but I am not.  Yesterday after the rain during church, the parking lot by the gym under construction was slick with mud.  That is probably lots worse today.
Sandbags at the door, inside and outside and still some water 
comes in when cars go by splashing the water and creating waves.
This morning we were a little late doing my allergy shots, so I didn't get to the office until 10:30.  I was not there real long, leaving at 12:15 to go to the Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist for a follow up visit.  He prescribed some nasal spray and ordered a CT scan of my sinuses.  I went by the place to make an appointment and they were able to do it today, after just a brief wait.
Looking across the street
It was interesting, they said the films would be read by a radiologist and a report would be sent in 5 to 7 days, but they would be available to the doctor to view on line in a matter of minutes.  Amazing world we are living in.  I asked the assistant at the doctor's office about the sinus surgery and told him I was not wild about doing it after seeing my mom go through it.  He said new techniques make it much less difficult for the patient.
Out the front door
When I left the doctor's office, it had rained heavily while I was in there.  I headed to the CT scan office and although the rain had let up at doctor's office, I drove through a lot of water on the access road along the expressway.  It started pouring again while I was at CT scan office.  I picked up lunch (at 2:00) when I left there and the rain got so heavy, visibility was less than 1/4 mile.  I called Ron and told him that I did not think I could safely get to the shop so I was going home.  He agreed that was the thing to do.
Looking out our side door at our parking lot.
So, I spent the afternoon at home.  The rain, lightening, and thunder were continuous.  When the rain would let up, the birds would come out of where ever their hiding places were and eat, quickly flying back for cover at the first sound of thunder.
Here he is standing in my office area, looking into the warehouse.

I texted Ron a couple of times during the rain and he was moping water and got the pump out and started it.  He did not get home until 9:30 this evening - soaking wet, dirty, exhausted.  He may go back in a while.  More rain is predicted before morning - possibly starting about midnight.
Wish we could send all of this water to the fires in the Northwest.

All my plans for the day went by the wayside.  It is the end of the month so I had accounting things to start working on.  We had planned to have supper with the McAllen family, but their day did not go as planned either.
And the rain kept coming!

Trying to keep abreast of the weather news, I got very little work done at the house this afternoon.  The power went off briefly several times.  Ron's mother lost power for a couple of hours.  He said he passed stalled, abandoned cars in many places around town on his way home this evening.  So many people will have suffered financial loss in car or home damage.

The water had started going down.

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