Monday, August 24, 2015

August 24, 2015

Bird Migration Time
August 24, 2015

Immature Hooded Warbler
Have I mentioned that I love the bird migration times?  This is just the very front edge of the migrations of these tiny winged wonders.  For the next couple of months we should be able to enjoy them in our area, and some will stop here for the winter.  Every morning when I open the curtains in the sewing room, I have no idea which birds will be there to greet me.
My guess is an American Goldfinch, 
but as always, I am open to correction.

This morning,  Ron let me sleep late.  I woke up about 7:45 and asked if he had tried to wake me.  He said he he had not and was going to wait until he was leaving for the office.  I got up and opened the curtains.  It was not long before I saw a new visitor on the birdbath. (the photo above)
Immature Hooded Warbler
I had gotten a load of laundry done and baked some biscuits, and gotten ready for work when I looked out and the little visitor from yesterday, the young Hood Warbler (at top of page) was playing on the birdbath in the spray from the fountain.  He was really having a good time and was hard to photograph because he was hoping for one spot to another rapidly.
 Immature Hooded Warbler
Heading to the office was not my first choice.  I wanted to stay home and take bird photos, but that wasn't really an option. I put away the camera and finished getting things in the car.  It was well after 10:30 before I got there.  Before long, I left to take some things by the church.  One of the people I needed to see was not going to be available for a bit so I went by Mom's to check on her.  She had not gotten up and so I encouraged her to get up and eat.

After chatting with Mom for a little bit I returned to the church and was able to talk to the lady I needed to see.  She is one of the women going on the Nepal team trip next week and I had some shirts I thought she could use.  They need to wear long shirts and I had some that I think will work.  From there I went to pay the shop utility bill.
Hooded Warbler
When I got back to the office I ate my lunch before Ron left for an appointment.  He was gone about an hour.  I had spent time running off copies for him and got a lot done.  After he had been back for a while, I did some sewing, working on the borders for the string pieced scrap quilt.  I did not make much progress, but enjoyed sewing for a while.

After work, Ron and I met a couple from our Sunday School class for supper at Luby's.  We were to meet at the one at the mall, but I guess I put my brain on auto-pilot and went to the one we usually go to.  After waiting for a few minutes, I remembered we were to be at the other one.  It had even been my suggestion.
Golden-fronted Woodpecker
We sat and talked for almost 3 hours!  We had a good time getting to know each other a little better.  They are a nice couple and we are glad to have them in our class.  It was hard to hear in the cafeteria.  John had lots of interesting stories to share and we enjoyed hearing their travel adventures.
Leaving the mall, I told Ron I would go by Mom's house and check on her.  She was sorting papers when I got there and was feeling much better, but is coughing some.  We were trying to figure out the cause for both of us battling allergies right now and her vote is the ebony trees that have been blooming the last few days.  She may be right; I usually have trouble when they bloom.
The little Goldfinch is hard to see in this photo
At home I discovered that food in my freezer was thawing out!  I set it to Quick Freeze and the temperature in the freezer has dropped about 20 degrees in the last 45 minutes.  Hope it is OK.  Don't have any desire to see the appliance repairman this week.
Hooded Warbler

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