Friday, August 21, 2015

August 21, 2015

A Little More Frustration
August 21, 2015

White-winged Dove

This morning I was up at 5:00 and stayed up, finishing the blog from yesterday and then after my allergy shots, doing some sewing.  There were several birds out enjoying the beautiful morning and I took a few photos.  I got several things done and then went by Mom's on the way to the office and visited with my youngest sister who is leaving this afternoon and the other one who will leave tomorrow morning, as well as with Mom.
Male Golden-Fronted Woodpecker on the hummingbird feeder
I made it to the office about 10:30 and spent the morning on a little paper work.  Then took care of a few unfinished chores on my desk.  Ron left to see why his car tire had a slow leak in it and found that there were two nails in it.  He got that fixed and brought my lunch from the house that I had forgotten to bring.
This morning, looking out the sewing room window
Mid-afternoon, I had to come to the house to get the phone number of the dental specialist who did my root canal yesterday.  When I had arrived at the office this morning, Ron said my dentist had called and that they could not see me for 3 1/2 weeks!  The specialist had emphasized that I needed to see the regular dentist as soon as possible.  I wanted Ron to check and see if that 3 1/2 weeks of waiting was alright.  She said to avoid chewing on that side.  I think a lifetime of habit will be hard to overcome.
The backyard when I got home from work.  
Ron had been watering it, but the rain helped a lot, too.
It looks like it won't get done with the dental work by the time we leave on our short vacation the end of September and that frustrates me.  I tend to lose temporary caps.  At this time I don't even have a temporary cap and so the area is very unprotected.  I was hoping that I would be through with the temporary cap by the time we leave.  I can only hope for a cancellation sooner.
I think this plant is know as Mother-in-law's tongue.
I have heard other names.
I ended up taking a nap with my head on my desk at the office for a while. It was quiet, as it often is on Friday afternoons and Ron was working at his desk.  As long as my snoring didn't get too loud, I guess it was OK.
Clouds on my way home. 
 Probably off the coast, out over the Gulf of Mexico.

After work we came home.  We usually do supper with Mom on Friday nights but she and my sisters went to McAllen to see if one could get on a flight out of there this afternoon.  The Brownsville flight seemed to be full.
Ron mowing the backyard late this evening
This evening, my kind husband mowed the backyard for me for the third time in a row.  Usually I do it, but lately he has been doing it and I appreciate it.  I think he is feeling better and I am not feeling as well as usual.  Nothing major, just all of these little things that have piled up lately.  Just eating soft things and going light on food following yesterday's root canal, have taken a toll on me.  Ready to feel good and get back to accomplishing things.
Beautiful early evening sky
The air is so clean and the sky is beautiful this evening.  It is a nice change and my car even got rinsed off yesterday in the rain.  It still needs washing but it is much better than it has been lately.

This year, the Royal Poinciana trees have continued blooming longer than usual.  There are still a few blooms on mine and I have seen a few trees in town in full bloom.
Royal Poinciana tree
Supper was a variety of vegetables.  It really turned out to be pretty good.  Ron often orders a veggie plate when we eat out but I prefer a little meat with my veggies.  Anyhow, it was good.

I spent time figuring the amount of fabric I need to finish a quilt I am working on.  I have a couple of pieces of fabric I can use, if I have enough.  It looks like I need a little more and the only quilt shop south of Corpus closed recently.  Guess I will have to order it on line.


  1. You need more fabric? Don't believe it for a minute. LOL!

    So sorry you can't get your tooth fixed.

    1. I need 2 1/2 yards for sashing on the quilt in progress. :( Want a light-med. blue, but currently don't have enough of any one fabric. Ridiculous to go buy sashing for a scrap quilt!
