Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21, 2015

Frazzled Father's Day
June 21, 2015

Worn out.  Tired.  Exhausted.  Pleased beyond measure.  Going to miss Jeff's family like crazy.  Blessed.  Happy.  Sad.  Thankful.  All of these emotions were a part of yesterday and today.  We already miss Jeff's family, but we know that they need to follow God's plan for their lives.  This move they just made is a part of that plan.  They prayed long and hard and agonized about the move, but in time, it all came together. 
Golden Shower Tree
We are tired from helping them move this weekend.  We are sore and exhausted; but we are pleased beyond measure with the house that they finally found and purchased.  Already this morning at church, I missed sitting with our little granddaughter who loves to snuggle and hug and sit with me.  They are so blessed with wonderful friends who helped them make this move as well as other family members who helped.  We are thankful that everyone and everything arrived safely.  We are happy for them; sad for us; thankful they are ONLY 70 miles away.
The gift of a rose I received this morning
This morning one of the men in our Sunday school class had brought a large basket with orchid colored roses that he passed out to the women.  Here it was Father's Day and he was honoring the women.  I loved my rose and will enjoy it for several days to come.  It is beautiful.  Some people are so creative in their kindnesses.
 One of the lovely shrubs at my Mother-in-Law's house.
Doing all the things I did this weekend, following my biopsy on Friday, wore me out.  I made it to Sunday school, but just could not manage church.  I picked up Mom for church and then following the baptism of one of our Sunday school class members, Ron brought me home and then he returned to the service.  I was quickly asleep and woke up at 2:30.
 Golden Shower tree with thick clusters of flowers
We went to pick up a prescription for his mother and delivered it to her.  When we got there I took some photos of her Golden Shower tree and other flowers in the yard.  We visited for a while and then some friends of ours arrived to help fix her recliner.  She had a problem with it a week or two ago and the man had rescued her while Ron was working out of town.  She was being held captive by her chair - it would not return to the upright position.  So the friend helped her out of the chair and then ordered a part and came while we were there to install it.  He and Ron worked on the chair while the wife and I went to pick up and deliver a prescription to my mom.
 Ron and Dennis fixing Margaret's chair
The guys had the chair fixed when we got back and so our friends left and after we visited a little longer we came home and I fixed lunch - it was 4:30.   I wrote yesterday's blog and then mowed the yard, filled the feeders, birdbaths, and ponds, and came in soaking wet with sweat.  My thyroid doctor told me the other day I won't lose weight without sweating.  She would have been pleased I think!  
This is the tie Jeff and family gave to Ron for Father's Day.
  It is something only a pilot could love.
"Remove Before Flight"
 The boys called their dad to wish him a Happy Father's Day.  Bob and Vickey had taken a weekend trip to Colorado and we both enjoyed hearing about their weekend.  Jeff and Barb had given him a gift last night - this necktie that he wore to church this morning.


  1. The kids gave Lynn a t-shirt that reads "Because I said so!"....picked out by the teenager, I'm sure!
