The Sun Came Out!
March 3, 2015
The ducks found their way through the fog to come to our house for breakfast.
Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
This morning started out again as it was yesterday - foggy and misty, but by noon the sun was making an appearance and it had cleared off fairly well by late afternoon. The winds really picked up during the afternoon, and kept blowing the door open at the office. Of course, once I got to the office at 10:00, I didn't leave until 5:00, so I really was not outside to check on the weather.
They all love the new driftwood.
Ron was out much of the day and I had several customers, but it was not real busy. I spent most of my time on bookkeeping chores. I was entering my personal check book into the computer as well as the office one. It seems as though each time I started to make an entry, the door would blow open causing the chimes to sound and by the time I checked the TV monitor in my office to see if anyone had come in, I had lost my train of thought on the computer work and would have to find where I was in the register. There seemed to be constant interruptions and not many of them were customers.
Breakfast is served!
One customer this afternoon was a very interesting Winter Texan who has been building a remote controlled paddle wheel boat for the last four years. It was very interesting hearing him talk about it. The park he lives in has a group of men who build remote controlled boats and call themselves the Yacht Club. I really enjoyed listening to him tell the details of his work. He sounds like a very interesting man. It was good to hear his stories of ways he improved on the original design.
Waiting for a turn at the feeder.
As I have said before, I love being able to hear the things my customers want to share. They have interesting stories. A man with the carnival came in this morning to order some locks. He comes in every year when he is in town and he asked Ron about my hearing. I was working in my office and didn't realize he was there or I would have gone out to talk to him. We can get preconceived ideas about people in various lines of work. Over the years he has been coming to the office, he has brought his son and a grandchild in and I got to meet them. His grandchild is adorable. We just need to take time to talk to people who cross our paths.Once I got home from work, I did a little house cleaning before the quilt group came over. We had a nice group tonight. The lady who cares for my mom is learning the basics of quilt piecing. She had sewn some tiny pieces together, but had used the wrong size seam width and so we helped her get started. You could see the gleam in her eyes as the beautiful squares were coming together. They are black with lovely batik fabrics in shades of aqua and orchid.
During the group time, I worked on cutting out more pieces for the second quilt top. I just need two more rows and about 3 additional pieces. It is fun to work on this project. Hopefully at the office tomorrow I will have time to cut more pieces and then be ready to sew them together.
For years I have purchased fun fabrics and I love getting to use them.
We had a good time chatting at the Quilt Group gathering. We are all busy in our daily lives and it is fun to get together and relax as we each work on our own projects. They are a wonderful group of friends.
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