Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24, 2015

An Evening Sewing Circle
March 24, 2015

Today my Amaryllis plants have 5 blooms open.
Today was another of those unusual days.  I don't know where it went off track, but I think it did.  I had an appointment at the doctor's office at 10:30 with the allergist.  She had left a voice mail last Friday about it, changing it from Monday to Tuesday.  She had also talked to Ron about it and he had texted me about the 10:30 appointment.  I was running a couple of minutes late, which I VERY rarely do for a doctor's appointment.

I arrived at the office at 10:32, but had trouble finding a parking place.  It was probably 10:35 when I checked in with the desk.  It turned out that the doctor had called Ron to see where I was.  She thought the appointment was at 10:00.  As far as I could tell, she had no one in the office but left me waiting in the waiting room until after 11:10.  I had a good  book, so it didn't really bother me, but I am sorry Ron had erased the voice mail after he listened to it for me.  I never erase them.  I would have played it for her to let her know she had messed up thinking it was at 10:00.  I gave myself the shots and then had to come to the house to leave the serum in the refrigerator.
Before coming to the house, I tried to get a gallon of milk at Walgreen's, but the display cases were empty.  I asked at the check out and they said the delivery man had just arrived.  I took the things I had just purchased, to the car and went back in but the delivery man went off somewhere else in the store and was not stocking the shelves.  I had to get home and then to the office, so I left without the milk.

Black-bellied whistling duck claiming rights to the top of the driftwood.
At the office, Ron prepared to leave on a job and I was doing bookkeeping.  Soon after he left, my sister came to visit while Mom was getting her hair done.  We had a good visit.  After she left, I got busy with customers and Ron returned from his job.  I went to the bank to make a deposit and when I got back he said I could deliver some merchandise for him to a customer and then come home.  He didn't have to offer twice.
 Janet SEWING!
At the house I made a big bowl of chicken salad out of some chicken breasts I had cooked Sunday evening. The salad was super good.  Janet, Mom and Carmen arrived about 5:00 and we started sewing.  Janet doesn't sew, but has been wanting to make her own dinner napkins so she can make ones to go with her decor.  I cut them out (10 adult size and 3 smaller ones for grandchildren.  She finished 5 of them this evening.
 Mom working on her crochet practice
Janet wanted me to take a photo for her to send to our other sister who also does not sew.  The other sister commented about the bowl of jelly beans on the table but not the napkins!  We are all a mess!
Carmen sewing squares together
Saturday, I had given Carmen a stack of fabric squares and told her to lay them out on the design wall and I would teach her how to make a quilt.  She only got a few done Saturday before we left to go get groceries.  Tonight I told her to work on those and ignore my house.  She did insist on taking out the trash and later doing the dishes after supper, but mostly she sewed and had a good time.  I told her it is just practice and to enjoy it.  Mom brought some practice crochet with her, so we were all busy.  Hopefully Janet can get back over to finish the napkins before she goes home.
Above you see Janet ironing her napkins.  Below is the fabric she is using.  They are turning out to be very cute.

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