The Sun Came Out!
March 12, 2015
The sun came out this morning and everything was just glistening. It had still rained some during the night so things were wet and the sunshine made for a beautiful scene. I was up a little early and as soon as it was daylight, I went out to fill the bird feeders. Things were clean, the wind was still, the birds that had spent the night in the trees were waking up and taking off for the day. What a nice way to start my day!
I had my breakfast and then got to the office a little earlier than I have recently. I worked for a while and then went to a medical lab here in town to try to get copies of Mom's chest x-rays to take with us next week when I take her to the lung specialist. After hunting for the building, hunting for a parking place, hunting the office, they said she had to come. I told them that would be hard, so he said she could send a letter giving them permission to release the x-rays to me.
By that time it was almost noon. I went by Mom's and talked to her about it and she said she would write a letter. I told her I would pick it up later. I took Carmen from Mom's to a place where she was going to file her taxes. Then I returned to the office. We had some busy times at the office, but it was slow this afternoon. I worked on some paper work and on finding a missing computer file. I finally found it and made updates I needed to add. I got a bank deposit prepared and then taken to the bank.
After work we met with our friends for supper and spent a relaxing 2 hours visiting with them. From there, I went by Mom's to get the paperwork I had left earlier. We visited a bit and then I came home. I had not talked to our son Dave in a while so I called him. I just could not understand him on the phone and so he got on his computer. I could talk to him as we used our cell phones, and he could type his answers on Facebook Message. That worked better for me. I just am so frustrated with the phone situation. These are some of Dave's responses to my questions so you can see how it works for us.
Just as a fun side note, on Facebook, on Thursdays, many people post old photos and it is called TBT (Throw Back Thursday). My brother posted one this morning:
This was at a birthday party over 60 years ago. Mom had made our party hats. I remember one of my birthday parties where she made the pinata and it was so tough we almost never got it broken and I think an adult had to tear it open. She always baked and decorated our cakes and made the party favors. We had so much fun and I doubt that kids today with their expensive parties have half as much fun as we did. In case you can't figure it out, I am in the back on the left. My brother is next to the last on the right in the back.
Tomorrow should be a busy day. Ron and I both have long lists of things we hope to accomplish. I better get up and moving early in the morning.
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