Special Saturday
Saturday, October 5, 2013
That puzzle I mentioned in yesterday's posting was the cause of insufficient sleep last night! That is such a hard puzzle! It is only about 1/4 finished. When my grand daughters got ready to leave late this afternoon I asked if the puzzle was staying here. The one the puzzle belongs to said, "Yes." I asked if she would be upset if Grandpa and I finished it. She just scowled at me. (I think that means she wants to finish it.) I am glad she is not a quitter when the going gets tough. I kept expecting her to say she wasn't interested in finishing it. I thank God for her willingness to tackle the hard things in life. Today it is only a puzzle. It will be more difficult things in the future.
After the housekeeper arrived today I took the girls to Shipley Donuts for breakfast. It was decided after we got there, that we would bring the donuts home instead of eating there. I think the crowd was overwhelming for them.
Following breakfast some time was spent on playing with some homemade play dough. Over the years I have made dozens of batches of this for my boys, kids in the church nursery, Vacation Bible School, etc. Recently a friend reminded me of the recipe and I realized it was about the right consistency for some of my Physical Therapy exercises, so I made two batches today. I did my therapy while they designed with the dough.
My grand daughter made these while I made:
A taco shell in honor of National Taco Day which was a couple of days ago.
How did they get all the artistic talent?
Lunch was homemade mini-pizzas. Most of the afternoon the girls spent playing with the LEGOs. They had a great time. I read and napped briefly.
Late in the afternoon as we prepared to go to a surprise party at the church for Terry Roberts, the Superintendent of our church school, we began to see a nice variety of birds. The younger of the girls spent time spotting some great ones. She is a good spotter!
A pair of Green Jays were being chased away from the food by a grackle. A well-fed Tufted Titmouse flitted from feeder to feeder. A Mockingbird took a bath in the birdbath while the sparrows clocked to the feeders, and the green budgie was back. I had put out orange halves and she spotted a Bewick's Wren eating one. I didn't know they liked the citrus. Then she spotted one she didn't know. She had spent a long time today going through a couple of Shutterfly books I had made of the birds in our yard and at the island. It was an American Redstart. So cute!
Terry Roberts
The surprise birthday party for Terry Roberts was a fun, relaxing event. The decorations were well done and the Italian supper was enjoyed by all. I sat with Jeff's family and my mom. We had a good visit and enjoyed the program. Our son Jeff was one of the speakers.
Our son Jeff
Lots of love and laughter made up the event. So sorry Ron missed it. He really enjoys Terry and we are both so glad God brought his family to serve in our church and school. What a blessing Terry and his family are to First Baptist Church.
By the time I got home, I was tired. My arm is sore, but not too bad. The scar is tender but I can tell I am making some progress on the strength in the arm.
As for the hearing, I could understand little of the program. I could catch a word here and there. I tried a couple of different settings but didn't find a good one. Late last night as I was trying to do my blog, my grand daughters were on the couch supposedly going to sleep. Giggles and pretend conversations kept up endlessly. I finally took the sound processor off. There are times the noise gets to me. It was happy noise, but it was noisy.
My day ended with me watching a worship service from the church our son David and his wife belong to in San Antonio, Village Parkway Baptist Church. I watched the service from last Sunday. David sang a duet with choir back up. His wife was in her spot in the orchestra playing her violin. What a blessing to see and hear them. The pastor brought me back to the first paragraph of this blog posting where I talked about my grand daughter not giving up. Their pastor has taken a stand on some of today's political issues that are having major impact on churches, Christian organizations, and Christians serving in the military. He spoke of those who died for their faith in Nazi Germany. The pastor is one who is getting attention because he is not giving up. May God bless and protect him.
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