A Very Nice Start to My Day
October 10, 2013
Some things are worth getting up early for, like meeting a friend at Chick-fil-A for a leisurely breakfast!
Rhonda and I had a great time catching up over our breakfasts. We have been too busy to get together lately to share a meal, our family news, and prayer requests. Having a prayer partner is great. An added bonus was walking in the door to find one of our very favorite helpers working behind the counter. Sam made our breakfast even better, helping in any way he could. You can tell how early it was since all the parking spots by the door were empty. When you are going through a rough time, prayer support is vital and Rhonda has been just one of many faithful prayer supporters for us this past year.
After leaving Chick-fil-A, I tried again on my cell phone search. This outing was even less productive than the last trip. The search continues. I tried to do a little birthday shopping but was equally unsuccessful. Our family packs a lot of birthdays into October and November.
Once I arrived at the shop, I did an assortment of bookkeeping projects and then spent much of the day on the computer searching for some things, writing some notes, enjoying some Facebook news and postings from friends. I spent time going through the information on a couple of DVD provided by Cochlear, on the use of the various devices. I had gone through them shortly after the implant was activated, but did a refresher today to see if there are things that I understand better now after having used it for a while. It did clear up a couple of things.
Since the second elbow surgery, typing with the left hand is painful, so after doing the necessary office work and my blog, I have rarely had strength to write personal notes and I am way behind. I started yesterday getting some of those done. I am not yet caught up, but have made progress now.
Ron went out on a couple of jobs and a couple of errands. It had been a slow day until around 4:00 and then customers stacked up. It is strange how that happens. I did have a customer this afternoon who stayed along with her husband for a very nice, long visit. It was one of those times I was so thankful that I could hear well enough to enjoy the conversation. This lady asked about our oldest son. She had graduated with him from high school. In the past when I might get a similar question, I would limit my answer to not prolong the conversation knowing what a struggle I was going to have hearing.
There were times I had to ask her to repeat what she had said, but it was worth the effort. She had such nice, complimentary things to say about our son and the more we talked, the more we found we had in common. Her husband pastors a small church near us and their only child attends our church school. She kept telling me my son would not remember her, but how much she admired him and wondered what he was doing and things like that. Did you hear my heart singing? What a blessing to know how he impacted her life. I told her that in the last year a couple of my high school friends had let me know how I had impacted their lives. Sometimes it really helps to know those things. It reminds us how much the little things we do can make a difference. Just inviting a friend to church can impact their eternity. Even if they don't come when you invite them, later when they have a rough spot in their life, they may recall that invite and act on it.
This is the type of conversation I enjoyed 10 - 15 years ago while at the office and can now enjoy again. Sometimes when a stranger calls or comes in for our services, it is because something happened in their life to cause them to need increased security, such as a break-in, divorce, or the firing of a trusted employee. Sometimes they just need to talk about what happened. Now I can listen again.
We joined my mom for supper as we usually do on Thursday evenings. I enjoyed hearing what was going on with her as she has been sorting through boxes of old photos and keepsakes. Sometimes it is hard to decide what is a keepsake and what is clutter. She is trying to make those choices. I should do the same. Not this week.
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