Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November 8, 2016

Election Night
November 8, 2016

Staying up late, watching election returns and waiting
 for one candidate to reach the magic number of 270.

Since I am up late watching election returns, I think I will try to do a blog entry.  Again, it has been a while since I did one.  Things have really been busy for us.  We made a trip to Dallas about the time I did my last entry I think.  Then I spent last week at the office working on the end of month things and I just have one more thing to do before I can send those papers to the accountant.
Me in my clown costume

I spent last week making a costume for a masquerade party celebrating our daughter-in-law's birthday and her oldest daughter's birthday.  I finished the costume about 30 minutes before time to drive to McAllen for the party.  That is cutting it a little close, but it got done! 

Our family: 3 granddaughters, our daughter-in-law, Barb, Mom, and me.

The party was fun and Mom went with me.  She won first prize for her creative Elf on the Shelf costume.  Everyone at the party enjoyed her outfit.  My clown costume was well received.  Everyone looked great.
It is great to see how many friends our granddaughters
 have made in their new community.
We have continued to enjoy eating out with friends and family each week.  All in all, this has started out as a busy, but fun month.  Mom and I spent the night in McAllen instead of driving home late that night.  It was nice to relax.  We headed home mid-afternoon Sunday.
Two of our friends who came from Brownsville for the party,
with Mom, Barb. and me.
I have had some Cochlear issues the last couple of weeks.  One problem is a battery that was damaged.  The next problem was that one of the sound processors had a problem causing me not to be able to attach one of the cables to it.  The third problem was I wanted to ask the technicians at Cochlear to clean my mini mic. 
Good friends
Ron made a call for me, to the Cochlear technicians and the man he talked to was so helpful.  Within 2 days I had a new mini mic and today (about 5 days after Ron's call) I have a new sound processor that has been already been programmed to my specific needs.  I should get two new batteries in a couple of weeks.  It is so reassuring to get such great customer service.  They are a great company.

Tonight I stayed up to see who won the Presidential election and just listened to an excellent speech by out next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump!  What an evening.  The election was called about 1:30 a.m., our time.  It was worth staying up late.

We have gotten some rain the last few days and have rain in the forecast for the rest of the week.  Went to the doctor yesterday to get a refill on a prescription.  Actually changed two medications.  Hope I do well on them.

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