Monday, November 21, 2016

November 20, 2016

Thanksgiving is Coming
November 20, 2016

Here we are 2/3 of the way through another month.  November used to be when I did my Christmas shopping.  I am not wild about crowds and limited selections.  These days I don't seem to even get started until well into December. 

In years past, we often had large crowds for Thanksgiving.  There was one year when our boys were young and Ron's and my families were out of town for Thanksgiving.  We invited people who were not near their families and had about 30 come for lunch on that Thursday.  Our kids loved it and everyone helped.  It is a fun memory.  Now, I don't have the energy for that anymore.  None of our children will be coming this year and so it will be Ron and his mom and me and my mom.  We will have a yummy lunch.

Since I have not made a pie in a while, I made a cherry pie this evening and it was great.  It was a little extra brown around the edges, but that was because I did not take the time to cover the edges.  It still tastes wonderful.Not sure which kinds I will make for Thanksgiving.

Within a few days after Thanksgiving, there are several family birthdays.  So many things to celebrate this time of the year.  I always love to hear people who say Thanksgiving is their favorite holiday.  The turkey is thawing, all the trimmings are purchased.  Let the celebrations begin!  Or least the celebration preparations.

Yesterday afternoon I made some King Ranch Chicken and it turned out great.  Lately I just have not done as much cooking as I should and after 3 hours or so in the kitchen, I remember why.  I never get as much accomplished one the weekends as I plan, but at least I did a little better this weekend.

Friday night we had supper with Mom at the Mexican Food restaurant where we had been going for a while recently.  I had taken Mom to the dermatologist this past week and he removed some spots.  She needed some Band-aids for the spots so we stopped to get those on the way home.

My youngest sister's husband is a commercial pilot and his work schedule is variable.  He flew into town Saturday late afternoon and spent time helping Mom with handy man type jobs until he flew home Sunday afternoon.  He is so good to my mom.  We had lunch together Sunday and Ron took him to the airport later in the afternoon.  Meanwhile my sister was doing Christmas decorating back at their home.

A lot of my weekend was spent working in the sewing room.  Not much of the time was sewing.  Most of it was cleaning and searching.  I was looking for things I needed for assorted projects and the cleaning was a major necessity.

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