Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 12, 2016

Sunday Testimonies
 and Sad News on TV
June 12, 2016

This morning Ron got me up before he went to see his mother and then returned to get ready for church.  She is adjusting to the physical therapy at the rehab center.  She may be ready to go home soon and she is eager to be in her house.  We are eager to be sure she is capable of safely being in her own home.

Sunday School went well.  We had a good group but some couples were missing.  The church service focused on the young adult ministry.  They were in charge of the music and did an excellent job.  They shared testimonies of how they had come to the Lord.  Wow!  Great testimonies. 

For over 50 years our church has hosted groups that come from all over the United Sates to minister in this area.  Sometimes people wonder what comes of he youngsters who attend these Vacation Bible Schools, under tents all across town.  One of these testimonies answered that question.  The young man had no other church ties other than those VBS events and a church van that picked him up and brought him to our church for several years.  Then as a young adult he was going through a rough time and wondered who to turn to for help.  He remembered those VBS years and came to our church to search for answers.  He found the answers he was seeking and now is serving the Lord God that he heard about as a youngster.

There were several testimonies and then a skit.  Each testimony was unique and showed how young adults without God may be seeking and we need to share with them about the Lord or invite them to church.  There is a growing group of these young adults at our church - growing in numbers and in their relationship to the Lord.

After church we picked up some lunch and came home to eat.  Both of us were tired and took naps.  Ron had a meeting at the church late in the afternoon and I did a little work in the yard, watering the zinnias, transplanting some plants, and cleaning the windows to the sewing room.

Later I cut out some pieces to try to see how one set of fabrics would work for a quilt.  I was not real pleased with it so I am going to try another set.  Ron went to see his mother while I was sewing.

Ron had not seen any of the news about the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida.  It is amazing that one shooter did so much.  It did not seem logical.  Then I heard that there was only one exit - the front door.  The door in the back was padlocked.  In our business we know the laws in our state about things like that.  Often we get calls where the boss of a business will want a double cylinder deadbolt on the back door to keep employees from taking stolen items out the back.  In Texas you cannot put a padlock or deadbolt on an exit door.  We often have customers who get very angry when we refuse to do it.  Maybe now they understand why we won't. 

Ron's zinnia bed is full of blooming flowers again, but I did not cut any today.  There should be a big bunch to cut in the morning.  He is enjoying his flower bed as much as I am. 


  1. 💗I sure miss all of you and look forward to your posts every makes me feel closer! Love and hugs and prayers, Bob and Chris

  2. 💗I sure miss all of you and look forward to your posts every makes me feel closer! Love and hugs and prayers, Bob and Chris

    1. Chris and Bob, we miss both of you! Chris, your smiling face in the choir is very much missed! I know you are where you need to be, but we still would love to see you each in your places of service here.

  3. Granddaughter Caitlyn just returned from the Valley with the youth from their church. They stayed at the Valley Baptist center in Harlingen but worked in Brownsville. They were painting houses and doing VBS. She is very sunburned from a day at the Island.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Tiny, wish you could have joined them and I would have captured you for the week. Glad they came.
