3 Years Since My Cochlear Implant
June 10 & 11, 2016
On June 10, 2013 I was in Houston for my Cochlear Implant. God had given me a peace about the surgery. I was not scared, but was probably edgy with anticipation. After having gone deaf the middle of January 2013, I was very fortunate to be able to have the surgery in a reasonable length of waiting time.
Ron's zinnia patch
Normally when Cochlear Implant surgery is done, it is not activated until 3-4 weeks later, after basic healing has taken place. We have nothing but praise for the outstanding surgeon I had, Dr. Joseph Chang. He is a skilled surgeon and a very gentle, kind man. We enjoyed our visits with him and would highly recommend him to anyone needing Cochlear surgery.
God prepared the path ahead of us in so many ways. We had good friends in Houston who opened their home to us any time we needed it. Over the years that we have known them, they have lived in several different homes in Houston and the one they were in at the time of this surgery was not too far from the medical center.
Our daughter-in-law, Vickey from New Mexico flew into Houston on the 11th and we were able to pick her up at the airport and bring her home with us when we were finished in Houston. She spent about 10 days with me to help. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you may recall that I broke my left elbow just 10 days before the Cochlear surgery so it was hard for me to do many things and it was a blessing to have Vickey here to help me.
Here I am, 3 years later and as I spent time in the yard today I was very conscious of the various sounds I was hearing. Even while in the house, I heard the yardman mowing the front yard. Some sounds I hear, but can't identify, or can't tell where they are coming from. I asked Ron to confirm that I was hearing the yardman. I heard the birds. There was a Chachalaca that came into the backyard this afternoon and he was very noisy. Chachalacas are large, loud birds.
Yesterday was a good day at the office. I spent time doing a little filing and paid some bills. Late in the afternoon I took a deposit to the bank. After work I picked Mom up for supper. We went to Pepe's and it was very nice. Following supper Ron left to go see his mom and I took my mom so we could both do our grocery shopping.
Yesterday and today were warm and muggy, but I think today was the worst. At one point Ron had been working and came in to cool off. That is unusual for him. Normally the heat does not bother him, but when I checked the weather, it was our temperature was 89 with a heat index of 106! That is hot! I worked in the yard off and on all day, but came in often to keep cool.
Ron's zinnia patch continues to do well. Today I picked 20+ flowers and that brings me to over 80 in about a week. Ron's mother has an arrangement at the rehab center, I took one to my mom, I have two at the office and two here at home.
This morning I got my hair cut and then came home to work in the yard. I had spent some time before going to my hair dresser, cleaning the dining room. I did a good bit of reading today and made a big pot of soup for supper. I did some laundry and folded some I had done previously.
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