A Day Spent
Working on a Quilt
March, 5, 2016
I am putting the striped binding around the outside of the quilt.
This morning, I was up early and stayed home all day. I did a little cleaning while I waited for my breakfast to cook. After eating breakfast, I spent time in the yard, watering hanging plants, filling ponds, birdbaths, and feeders.
This is the back of the quilt
Back in the house, I took down the winter cafe curtains I use in the sewing room and left the windows bare all day so I could enjoy the bird activity in the yard.
Great Egret
Next, I started work on the Flip Flop Quilt. I made the binding and then attached it to the quilt. When Ron got home he spent several hours in the yard, moving some plants that have taken over an area.
Great Egret
When Ron was working in the yard he called me to come see some of the birds. The sparrows are not happy that he was moving the plants and they are not happy that I cut some back in the backyard a couple of weeks ago. I had my leftovers from supper last night for my lunch and Ron had his
leftovers from his Friday night supper, so I had no cooking to do.
Blue-winged Teal pair
Mom had contacted me to see if I was going to a baby shower, but I knew nothing about it since I had been out of town last week and the only notice had been in the bulletin last week. Sorry to miss it, but didn't have time to get ready.
Male Blue-winged Teal
During the afternoon, I fell asleep while working on the quilt (thankfully I didn't get stuck with any pins!) I am now about halfway around the outside doing the handwork on the binding. I should be able to finish the quilt tomorrow afternoon. In the evening I ironed the spring/summer cafe curtains for the sewing room and hung them.
Pied-billed Grebe
It was just a relaxing day at home. I needed to get groceries but did not do it. All I really need at the store is meat since I stocked up so much on canned goods when the Wal-Mart was closing.
Red-winged blackbirds
During the morning I exchanged texts with our daughter-in-law in Dallas and in the late evening I chatted with the one in New Mexico. It is such a shame we are so far from most of the boys and their families but I am thankful for unlimited minutes on our cell phones! I used the Cochlear phone clip during the phone call and it does help a lot. I don't recall if I explained about the Cochlear mini mic. I have a cord I can plug into the TV and then to the mini mic. Then I can hear the TV through the sound processor, but I can put the TV on
"mute" and still hear it through the sound processor, but it is not disturbing Ron at all. Great invention!
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