Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28, 2016

A Good Monday
March 28, 2016

Ron woke me this morning and I actually got up!  He headed to the office and I got ready to go and had breakfast.  At the office, I worked on a little filing and some computer work and I may have a computer bug.  I did a scan just a week or so ago and all was fine.

Ron was out of the office almost all day.  Just before he left a customer came in who used to work for the county and now works for an agency that takes care of illegal immigrant children as they try to find family members to take them.  We had an interesting discussion.

Later, while Ron was gone, I had a customer who was obviously not from this area.  I asked where she was originally from and she said Taiwan.  It was funny because the lock I was selling to her was made in Taiwan and she began wondering where the factory was and if she knew anyone working there.  She spent about 30-45 minutes telling me her life story and she has accomplished so much since we arrived here at a young age.  She became a citizen several years ago and owns several businesses.  Very interesting lady.

The rest of the afternoon I did bookkeeping chores and a little cleaning and I put away some merchandise.  I prepared a bank deposit and took it to the bank on my way home.  Ron again was going to supper with his brother since the brother is going home tomorrow morning.  I had a quiet evening at home.

After I ate supper I spent some time working in the yard.  I didn't stay long because the mosquitoes are bad again.  The rose at the top of the page is one I picked today.  I took one just like it to our granddaughters Saturday when we went to see them.  It is so nice that they stay pretty at least a week to 10 days.  I also love that they have nice long stems.

With my Cochlear phone clip I talked to our daughter-in-law in New Mexico.  It is funny when I use it because I don't use the cell phone to talk or listen.  The listening is in the Cochlear device and the talking is done in a microphone I wear around my neck, but I find myself holding the phone up to my ear - Duh...


  1. So who cares how the mic works....Hold it up to your ear or not....
    Praise God it works and you can talk to your kids!!!

    1. Ha, ha. That is true. It is just funny when I find myself holding the phone when I only have to be within 30 feet of it.
