Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January 5, 2016

A Doctor Visit and
A Cousin Visit
January 5, 2016

My cousins came to visit.  What a treat!
This morning I was up early.  I finished doing some picking up around the house.  I love having time to do my cleaning in the mornings.  I had a 10:20 appointment with my heart doctor.  He is a very nice, gentle man and it was a good visit.

When I was in the hospital a couple of weeks ago with chest pains, I was given a couple of new medications.  One of them was making me retain fluids and one was causing a lot of bruising.  I asked the doctor about both and he said to drop both.  So that was good news.  One also makes me very sleepy.

From there I went to Mom's house again, to visit more with my cousins.  We chatted for a couple of hours before going to Oyster Bar for lunch along with my brother-in-law, Jim.

I used the wireless microphone for the Cochlear Implant both at the doctor's office and at lunch.  I worked VERY well both places.  I did not have to ask the doctor to repeat anything.  At lunch, it went well, but there were a couple of minor disadvantages.  I gave it to my cousin Ann while we were at the table.  I was able to hear her very well, but it made her louder than my cousin, Jean, who was sitting next to me.  The other thing was, Ann received a phone call while we were eating and excused herself to take the call.  She was about 25 feet away and I could hear every word she was saying.  I will have to be careful of situations like that.  It was not a highly confidential call, but it could have been.

Following lunch, we came to my house and visited for a while.  I showed them some of my quilts and they enjoyed seeing them, but neither one of them was ready to sign up for lessons.  After a while, we drove around town looking at several places familiar to them before coming back to my house for a few photos before saying good-bye. 
My cousins with my mom.
When we were little, Ann, Jean, and I enjoyed our limited time together.  We did not see each other very often, but always had fun when we were together.  I appreciate them taking time to come visit.

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