Sunday, January 24, 2016

January 24, 2016

Sick on Sunday
January 24, 2016

During the night last night I was throwing up and so when Ron woke me this morning, I just told him about my night and said I was not going to try to go to church.  I immediately went back to sleep and slept until about 10:30.  I got up, had breakfast about 11:00 and by 12:30 I was asleep again until about 5:00 this evening.

Once I got up, I cut up the assorted things to put in the chicken salad that I had cooked the chicken for yesterday.  It turned out great and I ate some for my supper, followed by a little piece of yesterday's apple pie.  I guess I am feeling better.

There was still laundry to be done, so I have worked on it this evening.  Ron had some meetings at the church so he was gone all evening.  I forgot to mention that last night I finished the binding on a quilt that I have been working on recently.  It is great to finish one.  It does not happen often enough.  This one has 192 different fabrics in the picture portion.

I read some, watched TV some, and did very little else.  The Christmas tree is still waiting.


  1. Love the quilt. Looks like it uses a template, right? Dolores did a beautiful job on the quilting.

    1. Yes, Tiny, it does use a template. I have made 2 or 3 using it. Dolores is doing an excellent job on the quilting.
