Saturday, November 21, 2015

Novmeber 21, 2015

A Drippy Saturday and a Cold Wind
November 21, 2015

The back of the quilt I am ready to put the binding on. 
I will show you the front later, since it will be a gift.

It had rained some during the night and there continued to be drips off the roof during the morning.  I had gone to sleep early and woke up early.  Ron was sleeping late.  I left for grocery shopping about 7:45 and went to a new Wal-Mart not too far from us.  Due to the rain and clouds, it was a dreary morning and the parking lot was almost empty.  I think there were 4 cars in the lot when I got there.  I did a little Christmas shopping for Operation Christmas Child and some grocery shopping and got back home just after 9:00.  I think Ron had just gotten up.
When I got home, Ron brought the groceries in and I put them away.  I told him that since I don't have a housekeeper at this time, I needed his help.  He took care of the living room and library while I worked in the dining room and kitchen.  We did a pretty good job on all of that while I also did all of the laundry.  I got some of the bedding changed and all that good stuff.

Once I had those chores underway, I got the Operation Christmas Child boxes packed.  I only did two this year.  I just have not had time to do the shopping and planning for them like I was able to do last year.  I love reading the stories about the boxes being delivered to the children all around the world.  As most of the people who prepare them do, I pray for those children who will receive the boxes I have prepared.  I hope that each of you is finding a way to show God's love to others during the coming Christmas season.
 Operation Christmas Child boxes

I fixed tacos for our late lunch and while we ate, a cool front arrived with strong winds!  We watched the trees swaying and bending in the winds gusts.  It cooled off a little but is not yet cold.  Here, at 10:00 p.m., it is 68 degrees. 

After lunch, I worked on the quilt that Dolores had quilted for me, trimming away the extra fabric.  Later in the day I got the binding cut, but it is not yet pieced.  It feels so good to get some of these projects done.  Oh, Friday I had worked on some more blocks for the Disappearing Nine Patch quilt I am working on.  I am having fun with them. 
The Disappearing Nine Patch blocks under construction
Keeping up with working, shopping for the house and the office, doing dishes and laundry, cooking and cleaning, I am really missing my housekeeper.  Guess I will have to learn to do my own cleaning again.  Ron got several jobs around the house done today and I appreciate his help.

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