Saturday, November 14, 2015

November 13, 2015

Sadness for Paris, France
November 13, 2015

French Flag Clip Art Clipart
As I have mentioned before, there are things I like to hear and things I don't like to hear.  I have always been a "news junkie".  I very rarely watch the local news, but much of the time have Fox News playing on the television.  It is amazing how things change with the times.  The first I heard of the terrorist attacks in Paris today was by social media: Facebook.  People began to post comments, news services began running stories with a few basic facts.

When a big news story breaks, I do appreciate my Cochlear Implant providing me with the ability to hear the news, although I do depend on the closed captioning as I listen.  It is heartbreaking to know that families were out for a Friday night dinner, or were attending a concert, or a soccer game.  They were doing things that people all over the world might have been doing on a Friday evening - enjoying the end of the work/school week.  And tonight many who went out for that nice evening, will never again come home.

It is beyond my comprehension to understand that there are people so intent on killing strangers and they are willing to kill themselves in the process.  That just does not compute in my brain and my way of thinking.  So tonight, I am praying for those in Paris who are wounded, those who have lost someone they love, and those who are out trying to keep their country safe.  I pray for the many doctors and nurses who showed up at hospitals in Paris to help without being called to come to work.

Today, my day was rather slow.  I arrived at the office before 10:00 and Ron left on a job about 11:00.  He returned about 12:30 so I could go get my hair cut.  After getting my hair cut, I came to the house and then went to the drugstore before going back to the office.  I sewed a little on the quilt I started playing with yesterday. 

After work, Ron and I met my mother and brother-in-law Jim, for supper at Lin's Chinese Restaurant.  We had a good time with some yummy food and it was good to relax.  Ron and I were both tired.  This week had been busy.

Later in the evening, I was able to talk to our son and daughter-in-law in New Mexico and hear all about new friends they invited to dinner the night before.  They love to host dinner for guests and even with their pending move in the next couple of months, they are eager to entertain during the holidays.  Those are things I love to hear about.

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