Friday, October 9, 2015

October 4, 2015 (2)

Sunday Afternoon in Albuquerque
October 4, 2015

Some of the fall color in the Sandia Mountains
Saying Sunday afternoon in Albuquerque is not really correct.  After the morning of watching balloons and helping to pack some away, we returned to Bob and Vickey's for a sandwich lunch.  Vickey had put on a brisket early in the morning to bake slowly all day and it was really smelling great.  We cleaned up the lunch stuff and headed up to Sandia Peak, the tall mountain behind their house.
So many lovely fall colors at each turn in the road
We had delayed a little leaving the house because the top of the mountain was shrouded in clouds.  We stopped at a Wal-Mart on the way and then started up the mountain.  There is a spot on one of the roads leading to the mountain where they have put experimental grooves on the highway.  In many places they have grooves just off the edge of the outside lanes so if you start  drifting out of your lane (maybe falling asleep) the noise with alert you.  These experimental grooves play the first few phrases of America the Beautiful.  I was able to hear it and knowing what it was, I could pick out the tune.  Had I know known, I might not have been able to figure it out, but they were all happy I could hear the music.
Sandia Peak in the clouds
Heading up the winding mountain road, we began to see a little more fall color.  The aspen trees were bright yellow and a few others were showing some reds and oranges.  It was a lovely drive that took us through the clouds to the peak where it was very foggy/cloudy and chilly.  It rained on us on the way up and some while we were at the top.  The altitude there is 10,670 feet and I could tell!  I was huffing and puffing walking up a sidewalk to the gift shop and cafe. 
 Ron and Linda at Sandia Peak
There is a nice snack bar and a large gift shop with some pricey jewelry and other nice items.  There are windows from floor to high ceiling, and wall to wall, to allow a lovely view of Albuquerque - when the peak is not in the clouds.  On on a deck outside it was chilly, wet, and foggy. 
 Bob and Vickey at Sandia Peak
At one point, Bob asked Vickey to take a photo of him pointing out their house to us.  She said he wouldn't be able to see it, but he said it was just for fun - pointing out where it should be.  By the time we got set up for the shot, the clouds parted and allowed a view of their area and much of Albuquerque.
Some of Albuquerque from Sandia Peak
The guys left on a hike and I took a quilt into the area by the large windows to work on it.  A little boy came over to see what I was doing and I talked to him while I worked on the quilt.  It turned out that his parents run the snack bar and his big brother was watching him and had lost track of him for a minute.  They were nice boys and Vickey chatted with the older one while I talked to the younger.
Little boy I was talking to and his big brother - 
their parents run the snack bar

We did a little shopping and visiting while we waited on the guys.  They had a good hike, but were chilled and ready to go home when they came back. 

Even with the clouds, the views were beautiful and it was so nice to see some fall color since we really don't get any here in South Texas.

The drive down was again in the clouds and was beautiful anyway.  We had a good drive as we returned to Albuquerque.  One of the things I wanted to see was the place where they are attending church, so Bob detoured to show that to me.

On the way to the house, Bob took us by the hike he most often takes which is also the place he often goes to take photos of the mountains.

When we got back to the house, Bob and I took a walk to see the sunset and the view was lovely.  We watched it and watched the changes on the mountain as the shadows deepened.
After our walk, Bob started a fire in the fireplace for his dad while I helped a little in the kitchen.  Vickey served a great supper and made an apple pie for dessert.  She sure did feed us well!  The brisket she had put on to bake slowly that morning was so tender it was hard to keep it on our forks.

It had been another wonderful day and was our last full day in Albuquerque.  We had so much fun and saw so many things, both special things like the Balloon Fiesta, but also the places Bob and Vickey spend their time.

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