Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 20, 2015

Quilt Group Gathering
October 20, 2015

The first two rows are now one unit
This morning I was up early to go to the doctor's office.  The visit was to get results from a couple of tests that had been run.  I arrived there at 8:15 and left about 9:50.  One of the tests was for allergies.  This was a blood tests and it tells you what foods you are allergic to.  It turned out my only significant concerns are for shrimp, crab, and lobster.  I mentioned to the Nurse Practitioner that I had never tried crab or lobster and she said, "Don't!"  I have known for almost 40 years that I am allergic to shrimp, so I have not tried other shell fish.  Turns out, that was a good idea.

The strange thing was that several other foods I have thought I was allergic to, do not show a positive response.  I will gradually, slowly, carefully try the ones I have been avoiding.  Those foods I have not been eating, include strawberries (which I love) but have avoided for about 5 years, cantaloupe (which gave me hives years ago), and a few others.  It would be nice not to be so limited in foods I can eat.
Blocks in the quilt in progress
They gave me a print out of those results and the results for another test to see if my body was absorbing my medications and I managed to misplace them before I got to the shop.  Ron went to the doctor after I got back, to get results of blood work he had done a couple of weeks ago.  He asked for another copy of my tests and they printed them out and put them in a sealed envelope.  It was the wrong tests.  It was regular blood work done last May.

After lunch I returned to the doctor's office and got copies of the correct tests.  Ron said he would be in the office the rest of the day and I could come home.  I accepted his kind offer and came home to clean up the house some before the quilt group came.  It had been a while since we had gotten together.
 One small section in progress.
Just before quilting time, our youngest son called and we had a nice telephone visit. He and his wife are doing well and he is staying extra busy at the store.  I tried to spend a little time in the yard, but the mosquitoes were all over me.  I just can't take it when it is like that.  I don't know if the city is spraying the area, but they need to do it again if they are.

Quilting group was good.  I helped Carmen with her quilt and she made some good progress and then I tried to work on my quilt but did not get far.  I had worked on it some during the afternoon and I love the way it is coming together.  It is going to take a lot of time, but I know I will love it when it is finished.
Stack of blocks still needing to have the paper
 removed from the backs of each block
Toward the end of the group meeting time, we got into a discussion about how much we have to be thankful for in our lives.  One of the ladies and her husband had driven Sunday into one of the poorer parts of town.  The roads are not all paved.  When the rains come, it is almost impossible to get in and out of the area.  We all agreed that we don't often remember to thank God for all that we have and to look for ways to help others who have less.  It was a good discussion for this time of the year. 

During our quilting time together we each work on our own projects and some are working on quilts to give away to those in need.  Carmen and I are working on quilts for ourselves or our families.  One of the ladies is working on a project that she will probably give away and another was binding quilts that the group makes to give away.  One was doing crochet work and Mom was mostly reading magazines. 
 The blocks are constructed on paper and then the paper is removed
After they all left, I talked  to our daughter-in-law in New Mexico.  I again was telling her how much fun we had there on our recent visit.  It was a great trip.

Five rows out of 14!


  1. You are inspiring me again.....now where did I put that box of scraps?

    1. This one has been fun, Tiny. I do love the scrap quilts. They take time - just ironing the scraps and sorting them. I am eager to get it further along, but there has been too much going on.
