Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 21, 2015

Delayed Blog Posting - Wi-Fi Issues
January 21, 2015

Rose at Mom's house

Ron decided to sign up for a different plan that provides our internet access at home.  Last night he was working on that and I was tired, so I decided to do the blog today.  Some how, today has disappeared and I have not yet written the blog, so here is yesterday's news.
Great Egret in front; Snowy Egret (with yellow feet) in back

About 10:00 I got to the office and worked on my desk - a never ending problem.  Mom had given me a little stand that her old computer monitor sat on and she no longer needs it.  It fits perfectly over my new computer and allows me to put some things on the little shelf that were taking up desk space.  I have some work space now for the first time in a while.
White Ibis
The afternoon was spent paying bills and doing some other bookkeeping issues.  Ron was out of the office for a few hours and I took care of customers.  I had some good conversations with some of the customers and one asked about my hearing.  It is always good when they remember my past struggles and I can now hear their questions.
Great Egrets were in beautiful mating plumage - long, wispy white feathers.  So pretty.

Our daughter-in-law texted to invite us to supper and I quickly accepted.  She needed one item from the store and I had a little time in the middle of the afternoon to go pick that up and check to see that my mom had gotten my email about the supper invitation for all of us.  I took time to photograph some birds near her house on my way back over there later in the afternoon when I went to pick Carmen and her up for supper.
Beautiful plumage
When I picked them up I took a slightly different route to let them see some things Mom had not seen since she had come back.
Beautiful Granddaughter

When we arrived, the five youngest children were having a great time out in the cul-de-sac in front of their house.  They love to play there and it is a quiet area that is safe for them to enjoy.  They will really miss that when they finally find a house in McAllen.

The children had three big wheel style riding toys and were taking turns on them.  They were working up a sweat playing so hard.  They play well together, but as they raced about and made sharp turns avoiding hitting each other, I finally said I was going inside - my nerves were shot!

A future Aggie!
I spent the next 20 minutes in the house patching up scrapes that occurred after I went in the house.  They loved the neon bandages I had given them a couple of weeks earlier.  Nothing serious, just minor things that I tended to while Barbara finished getting supper ready.
The bigger kids were so fast most of my photos have blurry sections in them.
We had a supper of tamales, beans, and salad followed by a dessert of dump cake and ice cream.  The four oldest ate quickly before the rest of us so that they could go to church activities.  The rest of us had a good time visiting.  Barbara's Spanish is excellent so she spent time translating for Carmen and we all had lots of laughs and good food.
Carmen painted Mom's finger nails while I was outside with the children.
After supper eventually Ron and Jeff went to the family room and the rest of us stayed at the dining table.  It was a relaxing evening and we were so delighted to be invited over to their home.  I took Mom and Carmen home and it was about 9:30 when I got home - a long day, but a very pleasant one.

Jeff and Ron relaxing

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