Exhaustion Caught Up With Me
January 18, 2015
Our very precious 3 year old granddaughter
This morning I was up at 6:30. I got my shower, washed my hair, ate breakfast, made Ron's coffee and the headache that was there when I got up kept getting worse. By 8:00, I told Ron I was going to sleep and to wake me at 8:30 so I could get ready for church. When he woke me, I told him I was not going to make it; I was going back to sleep. I woke up a couple of minutes before noon. The headache was much better, but not completely gone. Ron texted that Jeff's family was going to lunch in our end of town at a BBQ place and was I up to joining them. I told him I would meet them there. Another family was with them, very good friends of Jeff, Barb and the kids. Not many were at the restaurant, but service was still very slow. We had a good time visiting. The kids in the two families are great friends and were very happy to be together.
We hadn't seen Jeff's family (except the two oldest boys) all week and it was good to have some time together. Barb had been very sick with congestion and Jeff had suffered a severe case of food poisoning. It had been a rough week for them and they were ready to get out and share some laughs. A couple from our church was there eating lunch and as they left, the waiter was taking our orders. They came over to visit and told the waiter they were leaving the tip for him for our table. That was very kind. The lady had recently substituted in our youngest granddaughter's class for one Sunday and she came to speak to the child. She asked if she remembered her and our granddaughter quickly said, "Yes, you were in my class."
By the time we got home, it was 3:00. I debated working in the yard, sewing, or reading. I did a little cleaning up - loaded the dishwasher and started it, put away a few items on the kitchen counter. Sat down in the recliner where I had napped all morning, and went to sleep and slept until 10:00 this evening.
After all that sleep, I am feeling better and don't really think it will be too hard to go to sleep tonight. While I napped this afternoon, Ron visited a man from our Sunday school class who is in the hospital and picked up a few things at the grocery store. Some day I need to do some shopping.
It would have been good to be at church this morning, but I know I needed to finally get some rest. Tomorrow morning, I have a dentist appointment to check on the area where he pulled that tooth last week. I think it is doing pretty well, but I will see what he has to say. The toe I broke last October is not seeming to heal. I feel like it is still where it was when I went to the doctor with it about 6 or 8 weeks ago. Also, I had inadvertently missed an appointment at our GP's office recently, so I think this may be a week of doctor visits.
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