I Love a Parade!
Don't Rain on My Parade
Part 1
Don't Rain on My Parade
Part 1
December 6, 2014
During the night last night I got up feeling sick. One of my first thoughts was that I might not be able to go with my son's family to McAllen for their Christmas Parade. He had recently told me about some of the plans for it and they sounded great.
Waiting for the parade
As usual for Saturday mornings, I had to be up early for the housekeeper. She worked hard and so did I. A lot got done. As the day went on, I got to feeling better so I went to our son and daughter-in-law's house around 3:15 and we began to load up for the drive to McAllen. Her mother also joined us and we made a stop on the way to take some tickets to some friends and ended up picking up two of their girls to ride with us. We had tickets for VIP seating. Maybe I need to explain how this parade was done.
Waiting and waiting for the parade
The parade followed the route, ending at the high school football stadium. When the parade got to the stadium, it entered the stadium and passed the stands on one side and then when it got to the other stands on the far side of the field, the floats and balloons exited and the bands continued on past the far stands and then exited on the far end. We had VIP tickets to sit in the middle of the stands on the first side. It pays to be related to the Assistant City Manager (our son).
Our group waiting
When we got to McAllen, the traffic was very thick. We were later than planned, but Barb had a VIP parking pass that got us parking at the stadium. The parade was to start at 6:00 but we were where it would end, not the beginning, so it did not get to us for a while. Many people were already in th stands when we got there so we ended up sitting way up near the top.
The first float arrives!
Sitting near the top helped in tat the view was great and there weren't many people behind us, so I could stand for photos.
Lovely floats with bright colors and lots of lights.
This is just a small taste. I will tell you the rest of the story in the next post!
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