Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 1, 2014

Ron Gives a Helping Hand
November 1, 2014 

This morning I had to be up early for the housekeeper.  I had plenty of things I needed to do, but I am not sure if I accomplished many of them.  I have mentioned before that I have not been to the grocery store in a while.  Today I went and got enough to get us through the next few days.  I also needed a few odds and ends for the rehearsal dinner.

Before going to the store I worked on a few things at home.  I took down some of the curtains and washed them.  Later in the day I got all the napkins for the dinner washed and folded.  I gathered more of the things we need to take with us.

Much of the day for both Ron and me was spent working on some craft projects for the rehearsal dinner.  At one point this afternoon I told him that if he weren't so capable, I wouldn't ask him to do these projects.  He can do most anything he sets his mind to, so when I think of paying someone to do it, I decide to let him make it instead. 
I saw some napkin rings I wanted, but they were $3 each.  I knew he could make them for almost no cost.  I needed a bunch.  I asked and he started thinking about how to do it.  I even told him where to get the materials for free.  After he started making them, every once in a while he would stop, look at me, and say, "How much would it cost to buy these?"  "Do you think you could order them and have them in time?"  I just laughed.  As he got the steps down pat, he was on a roll.  I needed about 55.  He made 80.  He said, "Just in case."  He finished that project.  So I gave him another one.  He made one sample.  I decided it needed to be slightly taller.  He tried again.  It was perfect, so I told him I would take a dozen.  He just looked at me; but tomorrow he will work on them.

Mid-day I picked up some chicken bar-b-que plates for our lunch and some additional chicken for supper.  I went to Home Depot for a tool he wanted but they didn't have it.  It was a productive day.  I talked to Vickey, shared a variety of texts with Stephen, and changed some of the clocks.  Remember to change yours if you live in the United States!

That sweet smelling plant in the yard is blooming again.  I wish I could send you each some of the lovely smell from the blooms.

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