Friday, June 20, 2014

June 20, 2014

Answered Prayers
June 20, 2014

This single sunflower came up from seed from the bird feeder.

Today I was up pretty early and got several things done before I went to the office.  I managed to get the kitchen shaped up - it wasn't too bad, but needed a little attention, next was some laundry, and there were a few other chores I took care of before going to work.

Our second oldest grandson was at the office again today.  He was a good helper and we had fun chatting.  After I got a few things done at the office, Ron left and went to change the locks at Mom's house since her purse was missing.  When he came back he made a few more keys for her and asked me to deliver them.  We had been praying that Mom's missing purse would be found.  When I had gone yesterday to help her look for the purse, I started at one point to look in one trash can near her back door.  She saw me and said she had already checked there, but that it was no use anyway since the trash had gone out on Tuesday night and Tuesday afternoon was the last time she had seen the purse. 

When Mom told me not to bother looking in the trash, I had moved a few things, but didn't dig to the bottom.  She mentioned that she could have set the purse on the cabinet next to the trash and it could have fallen in, but if so, it was long gone in the previous day's trash pickup.  When I got home last night I had been praying about the purse and I was impressed to look in the bottom of the trash can since it seemed that the purse could have fallen in there Wednesday morning and then been buried with other trash.  She didn't miss the purse until Thursday. 

When I took her the keys today that Ron had made, I told her I wanted to look in that trash can again, and asked if she had looked all the way to the bottom.  Again she reminded me she took the trash out Tuesday night and it was picked up Wednesday (before she realized the purse was missing).  I was dressed for a doctor's appointment so she wouldn't let me go through the trash, and she started pulling the things out herself and putting them in another trash can.  As she turned to put a handful into the other trashcan, I looked and pointed and asked her what that was in the bottom - it was her purse!!!  Praise God!  There were just a couple of egg shells stuck to it!  She started looking through it and found everything was there - except the keys.  She decided that they must not have been in the purse to start with and instead were lost somewhere in the house.

As I left to go back to the office, I stopped and told her to look the rest of the way through the trashcan and be sure the keys weren't still in the trash, since they could have been beside her purse when it fell into the trash.  (Someone probably set something on the counter pushing the purse off the other side into the trash.)  About the time I got back to the office and right after I did a happy dance to tell my husband that the purse was found, Mom called to say the keys were in the bottom of the trash can.  Yea!  Praise God!  Thank you, God for answered prayers.  Now, Mom has new keys for her house and Ron decided to go ahead and change our office and our house since they had not been done in a while.  So he had a busy day, but we were delighted Mom has her purse and no one else has her purse, credit cards, checkbook, driver's license, etc.  We are so thankful.

Shortly after all that good news, I left to go to Harlingen to my gynecologist for a check-up.  I did have a little bit of a problem there.  I had not seen this doctor since I had lost my hearing.  He came into the exam room and stood right along my right side (my deaf side).  He said something and I told him I had no idea what he said since I had gone deaf since our last meeting and that I needed him to move to my other side.  He said that wouldn't work since he wears a hearing aid in only one ear and it is his left, meaning if he moved to my left, he would have his bad ear toward me.  We laughed at our dilemma and discussed that I had been seeing him as my doctor for about 25 years and we had grown old at the same rate.  I had a lot of trouble hearing him, but I heard him better than I heard his nurse!  Oh, my, I had to have her repeat everything at least once.  All went well with my checkup.

Next I went looking for a beauty shop on my way home that a friend had told me about in San Benito.  I found it and asked for the owner by name (a friend gave me her name).  She said she could talk to me but needed to finish with a couple of women first.  I had my Kindle so I sat down to read for a while.  When she was available I asked her if she thought she could help with my hair to cut it better to cover my Cochlear Implant sound processor.  I showed her what was involved and we talked for a while.  In the end, it turned out she could do it right then so I called to ask Ron if he could spare me a little longer.  He could so I got my hair cut.  She did a nice job on the cut, but did not completely cover the sound processor.  The cut looks nice, but if the hair gets at all out of place it shows the processor.  I will give her another chance, but surely there is someone who can handle this request.  I think I mentioned that the lady who had been doing it is no longer at the shop I had been going to and her boss didn't do a very good job.

From there, I just had time to return to the office, put things away and head to supper for our regular Friday night with friends.  We had a good time sharing all that has been going on this week.  So many things! 

Once home, Ron changed the locks on our house while I mowed the back yard.  It was cooler tonight than I think it will be in the morning, so now it is done and the yard looks great.  The yardmen did the front yard this morning, so all is done for this week!

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