Early Day at the Office
May 6, 2014
This morning Ron had a doctor's appointment first thing, so I needed to open the office. It was after 11:00 before he was finished and at the office. I did get a lot of paper work done and had several customers while he was out. There is always plenty to keep me busy while I am there.
After doing some of the bookkeeping I got a bank deposit prepared and had intended to take that as soon as Ron got to the office, but he had a job to go out on. He was in and out for the next couple of hours working on that job. Once he was back I did go to the bank and then I had him get me an appointment to get my hair cut.
I left the office a little early to go to the post office and then to get my hair cut. They lady I had used for years is no longer with the shop I go to, so the owner cut my hair today (as well as the last time I had gone). She is good, but last time was the first time she had done mine since I got my Cochlear Implant. She did a nice job of styling, but did not leave enough hair to cover the sound processor. I spent the last 5 weeks tugging on my hair to get it to cover the sound processor, cable, and coil. I don't mind if people see it if they are curious, but don't really like it showing when I am just out shopping or dining. It has finally gotten long enough again to cover it. I hope it will work right tomorrow.
When I got home I filled the bird feeders and the yard seemed very quiet. The woodpeckers are still very busy feeding their noisy babies. I think I can detect 3 chirps from the hole. The ducks, sparrows, and grackles were in the yard, but the Red-winged Blackbirds were gone along with the Baltimore Orioles. I will sure miss the orioles. They could still show up, but I think maybe they hopped on the strong winds we have today from the south and are heading to the north on those strong winds. I don't blame them. It is getting warm.
The Golden-fronted Woodpeckers were active, but not as much as on Sunday. I don't know if was just getting late in the day, or what. I saw where they were heading for most of their bugs and they are not having to go far.
Ron went to his mom's to have supper with her and then had an emergency job that had been called in, so he was late arriving home. I ate supper did a little cleaning and then read for a while. I baked an Angel Food cake to eat with cherries and Cool Whip. Yummy.
I thought I would just share something about the blog that interests me. The page of information that the blog provides to me tells me how many page views there have been and where they are from. They seem to be more accurate with viewers from other countries than the map you can see when you visit the blog. The map beside the blog will not register some countries that the sheet I get shows. Each time I view it, there will be a list of the top 10 countries where views have originated during the last week. For example, this past week in order of highest number of viewers on down: United States, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, Russia, Australia, Canada, Poland, Jamaica, and Sweden. I can then switch and see the list of viewers for the day, month, year, or since I started the blog. It just shows the top 10 at that time. At this time, if I switch to the month (instead of the views for the week), Sweden and Jamaica would drop out of the top 10 and would be replaced by Japan and China. Usually, Russia is next in line after the United States.
All my life, I have been interested in statistics and what they actually tell you. I become curious. When the people in the Ukraine are going through such a difficult time of turmoil right now, it amazes me that someone is taking time to read my blog. I don't know why any individual has chosen to read the blog. I know some are interested in the Cochlear Implant. Some are friends and family who want to know what is going on in my life. I think some are enjoying the bird photos. There are ways to search the internet where you can search for - as an example - photos of Green Jays. Mine may show up on a search like that. One of my sons showed me how to do that one night and I was surprised to see many of my bird photos pop on in that type of search.
I pray for these readers sometimes - not every day as maybe I should - that something in the blog will help them. Maybe it would be information about hearing loss; maybe it would be a day brightener as they see a photo of a bird that will never visit their part of the world; maybe they will see that I love the Lord and seek more information about God. I enjoy writing the blog and appreciate the words of encouragement that I get. Someday maybe I will meet some of the viewers from the other side of the world.
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