The Calm After The Storm
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Royal Poinciana Tree survived the storm. It lost a lot of blooms, but is still beautiful!
Yesterday afternoon we really did have a storm, but it washed our world. The trees are bright green today (of course the lightening yesterday afternoon helped). The flowers are trying to stand up straight again after the strong winds beat them down, and they are blooming. The air is clean and the sky is a lovely soft blue with high thin clouds. It is getting a little hot and muggy, but beautiful!
Royal Poinciana
Moss Rose (Portulaca)
I slept later than I had intended to this morning and was just slowing getting myself to the office. When I did get there, Ron left on jobs and was in and out the rest of the day. I worked on some filing, located some missing papers on my desk. I did some cleaning, sorting, and priced and put away some merchandise besides waiting on some customers.
Hanging basket of Portulaca (also known as Moss Rose).
This Ixora is getting ready to burst into bloom. It is covered in buds.
During the evening I spoke to our son and his wife in New Mexico and enjoyed the visit with them. Our daughter-in-law has been working at a school for children with severe autism for the last couple of years, but has resigned effective next week to be at home again and is looking forward to the change. Our daughter-in-law here in town asked us to keep some of their children this weekend and we will have the five youngest. I think I need to go do a little house keeping! Let's see how well I can hear them this weekend or if I end up taking the sound processor off for some peace and quiet.
One of the many clusters of buds on the Ixora.
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