Stopped Up Head and Evening Sewing
February 16, 2014
Sunday morning was fairly typical with Ron and me getting ready for Sunday School and church. What wasn't typical is that he feels bad with a sore throat and I continue to suffer with the sinus stuffiness. It is not too often that we both feel bad at the same time. We took separate cars to church so he could come home after he taught our Sunday School class.
We had a good group in class including a couple visiting just for today. They were from St. Louis and seemed very nice. Maybe they were just checking out a spot for next year for the winter. I had a lot of things to take care of for the Adult Banquet honoring the Winter Texans. The banquet is March 9, but I am going to be out for about 10 days and needed to start tying up a lot of loose ends! So many things to get done this week!!!
After church I stopped by the drug store to pick up a prescription I had dropped off yesterday. Once I got home, I didn't even eat lunch. I read for a while and then slept for 2-3 hours. Once I woke up I started working again on the new quilt project. I now have a little over 1/2 of it put together. I like it and think it is coming along well. I need it all put together by Tuesday night so a friend can take it home and take care of the next step. Ron helped me with some lettering that I needed done, but other than that, he has slept and read all afternoon.
A couple of our boys called. Bob and Vickey are traveling for a weekend trip to Colorado. He has tomorrow off so they decided to get away and see some snow in the mountains of Colorado. They are having a good time. Stephen called and just wanted to chat, but I couldn't hear him so he talked to his dad.
One of my friends asked yesterday after I talked about the yard work, if my elbow is now doing well. It is doing much better. I don't think about it all the time like I did for several months. There are times that since I do forget about it, I will do something that causes pain. Mostly the pain is in very unexpected times and it has to do with rotation and lifting something with the arm rotated. I will "yelp" in pain when that happens, as it is normally totally unexpected. It continues to get stronger, but is still a lot weaker than the other arm.
Working in the yard yesterday caused no elbow problems at all. What it did cause was the relapse on the sinus condition. I had been getting better but really went downhill yesterday afternoon. Last night when we went to our son's house, he mentioned he had the same problem after being outside yesterday. I was better after my nap this afternoon but then realized the air conditioner was not working. Ron checked it and said, "It isn't working." Well not exactly, but he said it is broken. So he called the man who had just put in a bunch of new parts a couple of months ago and he will come tomorrow afternoon. I opened a couple of windows because it was getting too hot in the house and now Ron and I are both coughing so the windows will have to closed and we will just suffer with the heat. It isn't horrible, but it is over 80 in the house here at midnight and that is too warm for me to be comfortable.
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