Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 1, 2014

An Uneventful Day is Welcome
February 1, 2014

After yesterday's experience with my car, an uneventful day today was a nice treat.  I had to be up and dressed early for my housekeeper and I was very glad to see her.  We were out of town a couple of weeks ago on Saturday and she was out of town last Saturday, so I was very glad to have her come clean this week.  We plan to have our Sunday School class over this coming week, so it was good to have the help today. 

I spent 45 minutes or so working in the backyard this morning while she was here.  Dust really bothers my allergies, so when possible I work in the yard while she cleans my sewing room.  I moved all the potted plants from the garage back to the yard following the ice storm earlier this week.  I cut back some of them and got rid of dead stems and fallen leaves in the pots.  I filled the ponds, birdbaths, and bird feeders.  Around some of the feeders, sunflowers had sprouted so I pulled most of them.  I did several loads of laundry and cleaned the kitchen.

Ron went out to work on the fallen eucalyptus limbs, cutting them up and hauling them to the brush pile.  The winds were strong today and I went out to suggest he put that chore off for another day and not work under the eucalyptus tree which still has broken limbs hanging in it.  (The limbs had broken from the weight of the ice.)   A little later he came in for a couple of minutes and while he was in, a large limb fell - not where he had been working, but I think he decided maybe I was right and the work could wait for another day.  This is the limb that fell while he was inside.

For lunch I fixed a big bowl of tuna salad, read a while, and then started sewing on the scrap quilt I now have in progress.  I got four blocks made this afternoon and strips cut for probably that many more blocks.  They are fun to make and I found it a very nice way to relax today.
I knew that some day I would find something to do with the boxes of scraps I have been saving.  I love the novelty prints and have collected hundreds of them over the 25+ years I have been quilting.  The assorted pieces hold memories for me.
Supper was baked potatoes and leftover tuna salad from lunch.  Sounds like a strange mixture, but that is how "laid back" my day has been.  I talked to my daughter-in-law Vickey for a little bit this evening. 

The only listening practice I did today was that phone call and some television watching.  It can still be hard to understand the dialog on television shows.  As I have mentioned before, I do well on news programs, but not as well on movies.  Using the closed captioning, I manage, but that means actually "watching" the show as opposed to just listening while I do other things.

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