Busy Weeks Filled With
Precious Grandchildren
February 19, 2017
Quilt I made for our newest grandson - Scuffy the Tugboat
Looking back at the calendar, I know why I have not been able to do any updates. My last entry was on Feb. 6 and our new grandson was born the following day. That week, I was not at the office full time. I had things I needed to do
out of the office. I got some of them done. Then that next weekend we went out of town to meet our new grandson.
This was made for the new baby's daddy
when he was a baby by Ron's mother.
Also, that week Ron's brother-in-law (his sister's husband) went in the hospital for emergency surgery. We were able to visit him while we were out of town and to see Ron's sister briefly. My brother-in-law, who broke his hip recently is still in the hospital. The husband of a good friend passed away that week. It was a rough week around here.
The week had also included celebrations. I had a birthday and Mom had one. Now we have a male in the family with a February birthday. My sister and Mom share the same birthday, so our family really knows how to celebrate in style for February. It also includes my parents' anniversary, Valentine's Day, and a local celebration called Charro Days. We can party all month long.
Spring is here!
My Mom left just before our birthdays to attend a wedding of one of her granddaughters that I would have enjoyed attending, but we were eager to go meet our grandson. From that wedding, my mom went home with my sister and from there Mom, my sister and her husband left to go to the New England states so Mom could see some states she had not been to in her lifetime of travels. She has been having a wonderful time and they will be returning to my sister's home tonight or tomorrow. What an example my mom is at age 94!
Our youngest granddaughter
When we returned from our weekend trip, it was 3:00 a.m. Monday morning of this week. Ron got up and went to work. About lunchtime, I went to the office and he came home to get some rest. On Friday of this week, I left early that morning to go to McAllen to spend a couple of days with our grandchildren there while their parents went to visit our daugher-in-law's father in Kansas. Our son had a meeting in that area and following the meeting, they stayed a couple of extra days for the visit.
What fun I had with the grandchildren. They are getting older (too fast) and we had some great conversations and fun times. They all interact so well with one another and pair off for different activities with different siblings. They may play with one in the yard and another working a puzzle, and a third with Legos. They just enjoy playing with each other. They spent time in the yard playing with the cats and a couple of adorable kittens, or playing on the new swing set/jungle gym.
One of the young kittens at our son's home
The oldest of the boys at home, went out Saturday morning with people from their church to share the gospel with others and as they do most Saturday mornings, had great results. I love how their church focuses of telling others about our Lord Jesus Christ who came to pay for our sins with His death on a cross.
It was a good couple of days. The only thing that could have made it better, would have been if the oldest who is away at college could have been home and if Ron could have been there. Ron spent Saturday rebuilding his mother's fence that had recently fallen down. It was a big job for one guy but he got it all done.
Last week I had a doctor's appointment just before we went out of town and I love having the Cochlear wireless mic for those visits. I have most of my doctors trained to ask for it as soon as they come in the examining room. There was a student nurse who came in to do some questions before the nurse practitioner came in and I showed her how it worked. As she finished, she returned it to me and said, "I like that!" Yes, it makes a huge difference. I did not have to ask her to repeat anything!
Fire trucks last week for fire across the street from us.
An interesting thing happened last week. Usually when I get home, if Ron has stayed to work at the office or has gone to check on his mother, I take my sound processor off since there is no one to listen to. He came in one evening and motioned me to the front windows. There were fire trucks and police cars out front and of course I had not heard a thing. After a couple of times talking to a police man, I found out that there had been a small fire and that things were under control. There were some things they needed to take care of and the fire engines (6 of them) stayed for a long time. I guess I never know what I am missing when I take the sound processor off.
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