A New Month
Lots of Activities
December 1, 2016
A quick shopping trip was a delight for the eyes.
Often I have thought how we can get so excited about the activities of December/Christmas, we want to go to parties and host parties, and then January comes and...nothing. No parties. Decorations are packed away. We are tired, maybe broke, maybe disappointed about what we got or didn't get and about who came and didn't come. The season is often filled with expectations when our hope should be in Christ alone.
Today on Facebook a friend with four young children posted about their advent calendar tradition. I wanted to share his thoughts with you.
"Most folks use an advent calendar by each day opening a door or drawer or something and taking that day's treat out and putting it on display so that by Christmas Eve, all the doodads are out and visible. Instead, we start ours by having everything out on the first day of advent, and each day we put something away, while discussing with our children whatever that day's trinket happens to be has to do with Christmas. And for our advent calendar, which has things like snowmen and toy boats and gingerbread men, the answer is almost always "this has nothing to do with Christmas". And by December 24, our calendar is bare instead of full, with the message reminding us to clear our lives from the distractions and materialism that tries to take over Christmas every year. The bare calendar reminds us of the simple, humble way Christ came into the world and keeps our family focused on the meaning of the Christmas season."
Our advent calendar was made by Ron's mother almost 50 years ago (I think). We hang it out each year and when there were kids at home, they would take turns turning over the appropriate item each day. One of our grandsons especially loves it and he put it all together this year, but I noticed several of the other grandchildren wanted to help him. Behind each day's piece, there is a small pocket with a scripture verse listed in the pocket. We treasure this tangible expression of a grandmother's love and desire for her grandchildren to know the true meaning of Christmas.
Today, I slept late. When I arrived at the office, Ron was swamped. I helped out and before long he left on an errand or a job and was gone for a while. I kept busy with customers while he was out. I have been able this week to run a few of my own errands.
Monday I went to the doctor for a recheck on an infection I had last week. All was well. The nurse practitioner and I had agreed to change one prescription and when I went to pick it up, I spent time talking to the pharmacist about it. She was able to answer all my questions well and so I started the new medication this week. She assured me it would not make me as sleepy as the previous one. Wrong. As I said, I slept until 10:30 this morning after going to bed about 11:30 last night. Then today after I got home, I quickly fell asleep (about 8:00 and slept until midnight). Now I am accomplishing a few things before going back to bed.
Tuesday night Ron and I drove to San Benito for supper at the Longhorn Cattle Co. restaurant for Bar-B-Q. As always, it was delicious and as an added bonus, they were not very busy. We had the side dining room to share with only one other occupied table of very quiet people. What a treat. Thankfully they don't have a buffet, or we would have kept eating and eating. It is so very good. We did use my Cochlear mini mic while we were eating so our conversation could be a soft spoken one.
Wednesday after work I went by Mom's house and asked if she would like to go get groceries. She said he had a good sized list. Carmen went with us and I did not need much so I dropped them off at the store while I made a side trip to go get a birthday gift and then returned to shop for my assorted grocery needs. We finished shopping about the same time and were able to check out quickly. After I took Mom and Carmen home, I brought my purchases home and put them away.
This afternoon at the office, a lady came in looking for work. She was looking for a job since her husband had been deported. She was neat, well spoken, and in need of a helping hand. This may become more and more common in the coming times if more illegals are deported. But I was very impressed with the woman and feel sure she will make it. She is out searching for work, not a long term handout although she does need a hand up as she adjusts to a new situation in her life.
We are surrounded with people who are hurting and have needs. When we can, we should help. We can't take care of all of them, but we can help the ones God lays on our hearts. During this time of the year, I think our hearts are often more tender to the needs of others. Keep your eyes open for those around you who need a helping hand or a listening ear. I am thankful I can hear some of those stories and am not deaf both physically and spiritually.
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