Friday, August 19, 2016

August 15 - 18, 2015

Back to Work
August 15 - 18, 2016

Current quilt in progress. 
This is half of the blocks.

There were many things awaiting my attention back at the office after I have been off for a full week.  I had mail to deal with, checks to write, deposits to make, and several other similar chores.  Monday I went in from about noon until 3:30.  I was able to check the stack of things on my desk.  After I left work, I came home and napped before having a little supper.

Tuesday I again just spent part of the day at the office.  I was still finishing monthly reports.  I got part of it done, but still had the bank statement to tackle.  Again the credit card processing company had done several things that taxed my brain.  Finally on Wednesday afternoon I asked Ron to look at it for me.  He found it fairly quickly approaching it in a different way.

Wednesday I was at the office much of the day and was able to get the report well under way, but was still needing to deal with some of the mess created by the credit card processing company.  This company is through Sam's Club.  Their prices are better, but my hair is turning gray faster than it was.

Wednesday evening we met our friends for supper at our current regular place - Texas Roadhouse.  Food is very good.  Noise is loud.  For some reason last night they were really busy.  Our friends have a daughter living in Louisiana.  She is very close to the flooded areas, but their house is high and dry.  A day or two ago on television, there was a couple about Ron's and my ages and they had lost everything in the floods.  They commented on having to start over at their ages.  I can't even imagine how I would feel in that situation.

In the evenings I have been reading and watching the Olympics in Rio.  Amazing!  I did a little more sewing on the new quilt in progress.  I now have half of the blocks made and trimmed.

At the office today, Ron was out just about all day on some jobs.  I had gone to Wal-mart on my way to the office early, to get paper products for the office.  Then at the office I finished up all the financial paper work and got the reports in the mail.

While Ron was out, my high school band director came in to leave an item to be worked on.  He stayed and visited for a long time and it was one of those times of taking a walk down Memory Lane.  We talked about mutual friends, our kids, our grandkids, and just had a nice visit.  Again, I was reminded how much I enjoy being able to just have a conversation with a friend.

After work, I came home, worked on the kitchen, picked 110 flowers and arranged them and had a lite supper.  Ron had stayed late at the office to work on some things for a customer.  He will be out on jobs some tomorrow, too, so I had better wrap this up and get some sleep.

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