Sunday, September 27, 2015

September 26 & 27, 2015

Spectacular Saturday
and Sleepy Sunday
September 26 & 27, 2015

Photo by Granddaughter
Young Buff-bellied Hummingbird

Saturday morning started a little before 8:00 a.m.  I had slept in the recliner in the sewing room with the two oldest of Jeff's girls on the sofa and the youngest on the floor.  Naturally, the youngest woke up first and I quietly waved to her and motioned for her to come get in my lap.  She climbed into my lap and snuggled for 20-30 minutes.  That is such precious time.  She is almost 4 years old and I know this won't go on forever. 
Bewick's Wren photo by Granddaughter
Once the other girls were up, Grandpa Ron went to get donuts and we all had a fun, yummy breakfast.  The middle granddaughter want to start sewing again right away and when she encountered some problems, her older sister helped to solve them.  Together, they made a mattress for some of the stuffed toys, a tiny quilt and several little tiny pillows. All three played on the sewing room floor with the beanie babies and small doll beds, for the next several hours with time interspersed for sewing.

White-winged Dove photo by Granddaughter

We were enjoying watching the birds in the yard - especially the middle granddaughter and me.  She had recently gotten a camera for her birthday and she took photos until her camera battery ran down.  I told her to get mine and use it.  She got some great shots, including the one of a very young hummingbird at the top of this blog entry.  She is a good spotter and had a great time taking the pictures.

Goldfinch photo by Granddaughter

Around 1:30 I started fixing lunch which was grilled cheese sandwiches and chips along with peanut butter and jelly for the one who does not like grilled cheese.  Lunch was followed by cleanup time and packing time so that we could take them home.
Our Granddaughter who did the bird photos for today's blog

As we drove closer to their home in the opposite end of the valley, dark clouds gathered and the rain started just before we got to their house.
 Dark skies

Ron and Jeff got us in the house and we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at their home.  Ron had taken locks to replace ones on many of their interior doors.  He got a bunch replaced, but there are more to go. 
 Rather dark for 4:13 in the afternoon 

The rain lasted a couple of hours and then cleared off for a beautiful rainbow and lovely  sunset.

Rainbow following the rain and my husband
We had Chinese food for supper and it was very good.  I am not usually a fan of Chinese food, but it was a very good supper.  When we went to pick up the supper at China Express I was able to meet one of Barb's new friends, another home school mom.  It is a joy to see them making new friends in their new community.  We got in a lot of visiting and a lot of eating.  It was after 9:00 when we started home.
Just prior to sunset Saturday Photo by me
When we got home around 10:30, I was too tired to do my blog.  I took my new antihistamine and went to sleep before long.  Ron had to wake me up several times this morning before I got up.  I think the new antihistamine is making me too sleepy.  It is such a tiny pill, it is hard to believe the wallop it packs.
Sunset Saturday Photo by me

We made it to Sunday School on time, but all through Sunday School I could barely stay awake.  I went to pick up Mom for church but when I got back to church, I asked Ron to take me home.  I knew I could not stay awake for the service.  He brought me home and it did not take long for me to be sound asleep.
Sunset Saturday photo by my husband
Before going to sleep, I asked him to wake me about 1:00 for lunch.  He had gotten chicken pot pies for lunch at Kentucky Fried Chicken and we ate together.  Then I took care of the feeders and ponds in the yard, came in and went back to sleep until 6:00 in the evening.  Now it is almost time for me to take another pill.  I don't think so.  Maybe 1/2 of one a little later in the evening. 
Sunset Saturday photo by my husband 

There is laundry to do and I need to start setting aside things for a quick trip coming up soon.  I did not have the housekeeper come yesterday since she is still recovering from the cut on her finger and since the girls were here.  The house needs some attention this week, yet it looks like a busy week ahead for us.
Sunday evening full moon prior to eclipse
My sister and her husband have been 30 miles away at South Padre Island all month and I have not seen her once.  I saw her husband briefly one day when he came by the office to ask Ron a question.  The days are so busy.  Already it is getting dark earlier in the evenings and light later in the mornings.  I can't believe fall is officially here yet usually it still feels like summer.  We were blessed with cooler temperatures last night and today with the cool front that brought the rain to the upper valley (but not to us).  Ron just set the sprinklers in the yard since we did not get the rains that had been predicted.
Partial eclipse
Hearing issues have just been the usual problems.   When several people are talking in a room, I can't understand the "one" who is talking to me.  Coming up soon will be my first plane trip since I got the Cochlear Implant and I am curious as to how I will do the the plane noises.  I know I can't hear the announcements in the terminals.
 Tonight we had a lunar eclipse.  

It was interesting trying to photograph the eclipse

But there comes a limit to the combination of me and my camera


  1. You got pretty good pictures of the moon. I'm in Clarendon and just had my phone so my pics are not too good. Had a good report at the eye doc...he removed a couple of stitches but said it looked great. I'll be flying back to DS on Saturday.

    1. Thank you for the photo comments. I am delighted that you got a good report. It is time for you to get some good news! Relax when you get home and keep in touch.
