Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25, 2014

Blood Tests Rate an A+
April 25, 2014

This afternoon I had an appointment with our General Practitioner (GP).  It was to get results from an assortment of tests he ran almost a month ago.  I knew I was feeling pretty well, but was concerned that there could be a cholesterol problem or something, but he said all the tests results were great.  Everything was in the normal range, in fact they were almost all about in the middle of the range.  Praise the Lord!  It was so nice to go to the doctor and sit there getting good news.  We did discuss some health issues like my allergies and he suggested the allergy tests.  I am ready to have them done, but think I will wait till I am not as busy as I am at the moment.  I really have a lot going on right now.  He said, no problem, just let him know when I am ready.  He gave me refills on a couple of prescriptions and that was about it.  Oh, and in case you were wondering, my blood type is A+.

At the office this morning, our oldest grandson was there.  When we doing keep him busy, he reads or draws.  He helped Ron move some stock around to have it in more convenient locations.  He helped me with filing and filled key hooks.  It is hard to believe that he will be 16 next week.  The years are going entirely too fast!  I took him home on my way to the doctor's office.  He and his next youngest brother are going on a youth retreat for the weekend.

Earlier in the day, I went to put one of the quilt squares on the design wall that I had sewn last night and I saw I had put it together wrong.  That is what I get for sewing past my bedtime!  So I took off the two misplaced pieces and this evening I fixed that square and made the remaining three squares.  I now have all 25 squares made, I just need to sew the blocks together!  I have rearranged the blocks on the design wall and will let them sit tonight and see if I still like the arrangement by the light of day tomorrow.

When I returned to the office after my visit to the doctor, I finished printing the graduation invitations for our youngest son.  He will be receiving his Master of Divinity from Criswell College next month.  He did that while working full-time where he is now the assistant manager of a Christian bookstore. 

After meeting our friends for supper I came home and got to work on that quilt in progress.  At dinner this evening, I did hear much better than usual.  It was nice not to have to ask my friend to repeat everything she said to me.  I have to get the quilt finished!  I need to go to Harlingen tomorrow to talk to the lady about machine quilting it for me.

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