Stopping for Bird Photos
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Last night it dawned on me that new people find this blog off and on, often through the bird photos. When they do, they may not know why I set up this blog. Very briefly: January 2013 I went deaf. The blog tells of my journey to have Cochlear Implant surgery in June of 2013 and the daily challenges in adapting to a new way of hearing.
Wednesday was a nice day. It was cloudy and windy - one of those days where our office door blows open setting off the strobe light in my office and the electronic door chimes. So I look up from my desk to the monitor that shows me what is going on in the showroom, to see if someone actually came in with the chime. Normally on those windy days, I see no one in the showroom. That makes it hard because my thoughts are constantly being interrupted and I have to think what I was doing when I was interrupted and it is easy to start ignoring the chimes and someone can actually come in and need to be waited on. I really need those chimes and the strobe to let me know when customers are in the showroom.
Ron was out on jobs most of the day. He was in and out a few times, but mostly "out". I left the office a little early and went to stop by my mom's house for a minute. On the way, I passed a resaca where assorted birds gather, particularly to spend the night. There are several small islands in the resaca and the birds feel safe on them. The last few days, a small flock of Roseate Spoonbills have been gathering on one of the islands. I took time to photograph them on my way to mom's house.
As I mentioned earlier, it was very windy. I had trouble holding the camera still for the photos. I got close to the water's edge and was able to brace it in a tree for some of the shots. My tripod was at home. The Roseate Spoonbills seemed to be having trouble keeping their balance in the strong winds.
They were fun to watch and to photograph and although they kept a watchful eye on me, they didn't seem to feel threatened.
The only thing that could have made the chance photo session better would have been some sunshine to really show off their coloring.
I completed my errand and headed home where I went in the yard to check on the feed for my bird visitors. Inside I took care of our supper and worked some on the current puzzle.
Later in the evening I spent time on the phone with our oldest son. I really had trouble understanding him last night and had to have him repeat very often. It is so frustrating not to be able to have a normal phone conversation. The first or second day they activated my Cochlear Implant, the audiologist told me I might not ever be able to use the phone. Then went I did well with general conversations, she was surprised a few visits later to learn I can't really use the phone.
It was a good day and made better by the lovely Roseate Spoonbills. They are one of my favorites.
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