It is COLD Here in South Texas!
January 6, 2014
This morning, Ron and I agreed that I would stay home a while and try to get some of the Christmas decorations packed away. I made very little progress. I did work on the closet where we store them, trying to make more room in there. Not sure if I did any good.
It was in the low 40s this morning. Before I left for the office I fed the birds and filled the bird baths and ponds. I tried out my Nerf dart blaster on the ducks and so far, they are afraid of it. I don't think that will last, but for now the little birds had a chance of getting the bird feed on this very cold day.
At the office, I did some bookkeeping and made up a deposit to take to the bank. I worked on placing an order for some prints of some of my Christmas photos. My mom gave us a large, unique picture frame that holds 21 4x6 prints - some up and down and some crossways. So I got a bunch ordered to see what will look good in there.
At the drive-up window at the bank, they only had two rolls of pennies. Seems strange. I needed to get a variety of types of change, but I don't think they have ever been out of pennies when I have gone. They are often low on quarters, and they didn't have nearly as many as I wanted, but pennies?
It was slow at the office today. I don't blame folks for not wanting to get out in the cold just to get a copy of a key, but several did. Ron was cold all day. My office gets the most heat and I told him he could come in my office to visit, but he had some work to do.
I don't recall if I have mentioned that I am in a photo group on line. We were together a couple of years ago for a Project 365 adventure. Members of the group commit to take a photo a day for the year and post it in the private group. You may also post it on your Facebook page, but you can't share anyone else's photos. Last year we were all worn out from trying to keep up, so we tried once a week. Then I lost my hearing and I just dropped out of the group. I couldn't keep up. This year several wanted to try again for the photo a day. I said I would like to try. Already it is a challenge. My photo today was of the Christmas decorations that our city puts up on the lamp posts on main street.
I commented that even though it is in the 30s and we have had a little bit of sleet, I think these are the only snow flakes we will see here in South Texas this week. So many people in this area don't have adequate heat or cold weather clothing. I hope they can all keep warm tonight.
My cell phone rang just after I got home, and it was my brother-in-law, Jim Foster. I couldn't hear him very well so I hooked up the cable to my phone and sound processor and was able to understand him. It takes a little bit of work to hook it up and I don't carry it with me during the day. It stays on my computer desk. But with a couple of repeats, I did understand Jim. He has a new book coming out in about 10 days on birding sites along the Texas Gulf Coast. He is having some shipped to our office so they will be here when he arrives later this month to do some book signings. I am looking forward to seeing the book and getting my own signed copy. I also hope to do some birding with him while he is here. We really didn't get any done last year while he was here because it was while I was deaf. We will try to make up for it this year.
This evening I finished my order of Christmas photo prints and worked some more on the storage closet. It is hard to have to ask Ron to move almost every box due to my limitations with my weak arm. I MUST start some serious workouts with it to build up the strength, but it is too cold to go to the gym at my usual 5:45 in the mornings. Soon.
Today, messages came from several friends - an email, a couple of letters, a Facebook message or two, and the theme seemed to be declining health issues. Of course many of my friends are about my age - maybe a couple of years older or a couple of years younger, but our bodies do wear out. We may do things that speed up that process, but with or without that, we will age, and we will not be able to do the things at 65 that we were able to do at 25. None of my friends like that. They are all saddened that they can't still do all the things they used to, but sometimes we have to accept our limitations. I hope to rebuild as much of my strength as I can, but I think I am realistic in knowing it may never be as strong as it was. I am thankful for the things that still work. I can see, I can walk, I can talk, I can sew, I can cook. In fact my husband and I had a discussion a day or two ago about the fact that we enjoy my cooking a little too much. He does love my cooking and I love to cook for him and for others.
I hope you will celebrate the things you can do, and try to improve on the things you can't in this new year. Let's see what we can improve!
Good advice, Linda! Keep reminding us and cheering us on.
Thanks! Love you!