Trying to Get Ready for Christmas
December 11, 2013
Today I worked at home for a couple of hours before going to the office. Yesterday while putting away the boxes that had held the Christmas decorations, I stirred up some dust and have been sneezing since then. Once I got to the office, I started by downloading an update to my virus protection for my computer in the office. Then I decided to run a quick scan. Their idea of a "quick" scan and mine, differ. While the quick scan ran, I started working on Christmas cards. I soon realized that I needed to print more cards but the computer was in the middle of the scan. Instead I would address envelopes, but the most current address list is... you guessed it, in the computer. I did what I could while I was waiting and it was good that no problems were found during the scan.
Ron left on a job so I had customers to wait on. I did well with the hearing while helping them. I don't think I had to ask anyone to repeat. In between customers, I ate my lunch and continued working on the Christmas cards since the scan was finished. My arm continues to improve. I had no problem folding Christmas cards today, but I did use a different method of doing it. My hand is doing better on the typing. It is still not back to normal but it is improving all the time.
The afternoon was spent on bookkeeping. I had to get the reports ready to send to the accountant. We had a great accountant, but he is semi-retired and moved to the Texas hill country and I have to mail the reports to him each month. He quickly takes care of them and sends back the information I need. I works well.
My afternoon emails were a mixture of news, mostly bad. A friend who has been seriously ill has been set up with hospice care. Hospice care is a real blessing to the patient and the family, but it is a difficult step for them to take. We never know what tomorrow will bring for any of us and that is why we should never put off making a decision to accept Christ as our Savior. I also found out my son here in town has been sick all week with flu-like symptoms.
After work I came home and made a big pot of soup, which was great. We had a yummy supper and while I sewed much of the evening, Ron spent it replacing a light fixture that went bad this morning. He is so good with repairs, it is just finding the time to do them.
I talked to my son and daughter-in-law in New Mexico, this evening on the phone. I can understand her better than my son. I don't know why, just the particular pitch of their voices I guess. This evening while sewing, I had the movie Home Alone 2 on the television. There are several places where the little boy, Kevin, in the story screams. My sound processor shuts down instantly when he does that and it is so funny because I will be following the dialog and then I will see Kevin open his mouth wide, but as far as my hearing goes, I hear no sound at all. I am glad I am not hearing those screams amplified, but it is strange.
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