Yes, I Heard the Rain!
November 6, 2013
A chance of rain was in the forecast for today; a couple of afternoon showers the paper said this morning. Around 3:00 Ron told me it was raining. I had checked a few minutes earlier and it wasn't. I looked out and it was raining big fat drops, but not too many. I returned to my office and in a few minutes I thought I heard the rain so I checked and it was raining harder. Over the next hour to an hour and a half, our end of town may have gotten 6 1/2 inches of rain! The corner by our business floods so the flooding was not unexpected. The city has been trying to fix the problem, but Brownsville is very flat! There is nowhere for the rain to quickly go, especially with that amount of rainfall in a short time.
Before long, water was flowing into our warehouse. My husband put sandbags in front of the two office doors when I told him how high the water was but he did not realize how bad it was getting before he decided to check the warehouse. We spent the next hour with a couple of wet vacs, vacuuming up water and also sweeping it out the overhead door. I think we are both exhausted, but about the time we finished, our son showed up and he and Ron walked down the street a block to the area that seems to be causing the problem. They talked to a man who had pushed his car out of that area when the water got up to the windows on the car. When Ron told me that, I said that we had lost nothing of real value - the place will smell like a wet, dirty dog for a few days, but the floors are cleaner in the warehouse than they have been in a while. The man with the flooded car has probably lost a lot, and pictures I am seeing from around town show similar problems. We will be tired and sore, but we will quickly recover.
This is looking out the front door of our business and the previous one is looking out the side door. Water, water, everywhere!
Cars speeding through the high water are mostly how we get water in the warehouse. They send in waves.
Our son said there were several flooded areas, particularly in the west end of town, and many traffic accidents. I heard the rain. I heard the thunder and saw the lightening. I heard an ambulance. I heard the city trucks heading in all directions. I was careful to keep my Cochlear sound processor dry. They are supposed to be water-resistant, but I don't want to test it. We love the rain, but never want people to lose their possessions due to the rains.
It was about an hour after normal closing time before we headed home. Ron followed me in case I encountered high water, but the only water I drove through was beside our business. Once the rain stops, the town drains pretty quickly. As I pulled into the driveway, I spotted something I wanted Ron to see. He drug himself out of his car and asked what was wrong. I just pointed to the moon shining in a clear spot in the sky. There is an old saying about Texas weather: If you don't like it, wait a few minutes and it will change.
The rest of the day was alright. I was at the office for the morning and then picked my mom up at the airport around noon. She and my sisters had been on a cruise for a week and mom looked well rested and good after her fun trip. After I took her home, I got some lunch and returned to work. Sitting at the airport, I sure can't understand the announcements that they make over the loud speakers. Is it just me? It isn't a big problem at our little airport, but in the big ones, I never understand them either.
It was dark by the time we got home from the office and I was ready for a hot bath. I was able to talk to Bob and Vickey a little. They had to repeat a lot, but we had a nice visit. Sometimes, plans can change, but at the moment, it looks like ALL of our kids will be here for Christmas this year. I can't remember when that happened last. I hope it works out for all of them! We have so much to Praise God for this year.
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