Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday School, Sermon, and Sandwiches
Sunday,  July 14, 2013

Today was Sunday and that normally means attending Sunday School class at our church and then the worship service.  We had a good bunch in our Sunday School class that my husband teaches.  We always enjoy being with friends to study God's Word.  The daughter on one of the ladies in the class was visiting and it was good to see her.  She has a gift for encouraging people and I value our long distance friendship.  She is quick to send cards of encouragement to me any time she finds out I am going through a rough time.  Her name is Kim and I am so glad we got to chat for a while this morning.

The worship service was a little different.  They started Vacation Bible School tonight and the auditorium was decorated for the week's events.  Our second oldest grandson is in the orange strip shirt in the middle of the photo above.  He was in charge of the roller coaster display and has been helping the man who built most of the working decorations.  

The service was led by staff and students from Criswell College.  Every summer for the last seven years, they have been bringing a group to help us in this outreach ministry.  The man who preached, is an excellent preacher, but I really struggled to hear him.  He talks faster than our pastor. 

In the auditorium it is difficult for me to hear.  The hearing device picks up all sounds and there are papers rustling, people coughing, a/c units running, etc.  In a couple of weeks my sound processor will be reprogrammed to take down some of the background sounds, but in the meantime, it is hard to hear an individual speaking.  A representative to our state legislature was in the service this morning.  His wife's parents are members of our church and the couple was visiting for a quick weekend.  Our state legislature has been in special session to deal with a couple of very important issues, and I enjoyed chatting with this man and thanking him for his stand on the issues, but it took a lot of effort to hear him as we visited after the service. 

After church we went to our son Jeff's home for lunch with his family and my mom.  It is always fun to be around the grandchildren and today was no exception.  We had a light lunch of sandwiches and chips, and lots of conversation.  When there is a lot of conversation going on all at once, it can be a challenge to pick out the voice that I am trying to hear, but all in all, I did fairly well.  My mom's voice is one that is hard for me to pick up.  She is 90 and I guess the voice is a little weak (she isn't weak, but her voice seems to me to be very soft).

My mention of my mom not being weak is proven by the fact that during this week of Vacation Bible School, she is working with the kids as they work on a drama presentation.  Our two oldest grandsons are helping in various ways at VBS, while four of the others are attending.  Our Sunday School class was providing and serving a meal to the workers tonight and it was hard for me to not be there helping.  The elbow is a major reason I didn't try to help.  It is causing a fair amount of discomfort and I still need to protect it.  There are few things I can do one handed that would have helped tonight.  Normally I would at least have been there taking photos, but since I can't drive I couldn't even do that.  I am praying for those who are working and praying that many children will be involved and learn a lot about God's plan for the adventures in their lives.

We stayed and visited for a long time with our son and his wife and had a relaxing afternoon.  Once we got home it was time to do a few chores.  Ron mowed the back yard for me.  After the rain earlier this week, it is looking so nice.  Again, it is hard to not be doing the things I normally do - like mowing the yard.  I spent the time inside doing a few little chores and fixing supper.

This blog originally started out to be about my Cochlear Implant, but in the middle of that, I broke my elbow and so much of it has been about the recovery from that injury.  The elbow is causing me more pain and inconvenience than the hearing issues.  I am to see the orthopedic surgeon on Thursday and it is none too soon.  I am concerned about the range of motion and hope that we can start soon with some physical therapy, but we also need to deal with the pain.  Again, I ask for those of you who believe in prayer, to be praying about this issue.  I have many things I love to do in life that need two good working arms!

The evening ended with a chat with our daughter-in-law in New Mexico.  I had not talked to her or our son for a few days, and it was good to catch up.  At this point, I am planning to stay home on Monday to get some things done at the house before our guests arrive Wednesday.  We are so looking forward to this visit from a former foreign exchange student who lived with us about 25 years ago.  He is coming and bringing his wife and three children.  What a great time we expect to have.  Of course, we will see how well I hear while dealing with Danish accents!  I am just very grateful that I am hearing so I can really enjoy this visit!


  1. Hands together, Linda, for healing of your elbow. It is a tough place to heal & rehab. Therapy is the key but not too soon. Hope the dr has good news for you!!! Hugs, prayers, & thoughts follow you daily, my friend!!

    1. Thanks, Dottie. I appreciate the encouragement and prayers.
